
HMD 全球是诺基亚手机的制造商,已经与Mattel合作,今年推出了芭比翻盖手机我们对该公司进行了专访,了解更多关于这次合作的情况


Barbie phone on the way, but it’s not what you think | ENBLE

A promotional image for the Barbie x HMD Global phone.

Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024 has given us a surprising partnership that no one could have predicted. HMD Global, the company known for making phones under the Nokia name, has teamed up with iconic toymaker Mattel to create the Barbie Flip Phone. Yes, you read that correctly – Barbie now has her own flip phone. 📱💅

But before you dismiss this collaboration as just a pink version of an old Nokia phone, let me tell you, this isn’t your ordinary partnership. HMD Global and Mattel have far greater ambitions for the Barbie Flip Phone. This device aims to transcend the realms of a simple product tie-in and offer something truly special. 😲

Isn’t it a bit late? 🕒

A promotional image for HMD Global and Mattel’s brand partnership.

Now, some of you might be wondering if this collaboration is a bit late to the party. After all, the massively popular Barbie movie came out in mid-2023, which seemed like the perfect opportunity for the launch of a Barbie-themed device. But hold on a minute! Barbie is more than just a movie. In an interview with The Drum, Mattel’s President and CEO, Richard Dickson, emphasized that “Barbie manifests itself through product interpretations, but the idea is bigger than any one product.” 💡

Adam Ferguson, HMD Global’s head of product marketing, echoed this sentiment, pointing out that viewing the Barbie Flip Phone as ‘late’ misses the point of what the Barbie brand represents and the progress it has made. This partnership aims to leverage Barbie’s journey, focusing on themes like digital detox and inspiring girls in tech. So, it’s not just a phone – it’s a statement. 🌟

What will make the phone special? 🌈

A promotional image for HMD Global and Mattel’s brand partnership.

Now, let’s talk about what sets this phone apart. The Barbie Flip Phone won’t be a typical smartphone; it will be a feature phone, playing to HMD Global’s strength as a manufacturer. This emphasis on digital detox connects with the concerns of today’s younger generation. According to research, many individuals aged 16 to 24 are making conscious efforts to limit their social media usage. They seek a balance between digital connectivity and real-world experiences. 🌍📵

“This particular device will have that classic form factor to it, and that’s part of the draw for this particular audience,” says Ferguson. “They are extraordinarily digitally savvy and live their lives online, but they are also extraordinarily anxious about spending too much time on social media and on their phones. They acknowledge this. We’re trying to help with the real-world challenges and issues that people face.” In essence, the Barbie Flip Phone aims to be a digital companion that encourages mindful usage in a beautifully nostalgic package. 🎀✨

Pixelated final design? 🎨

A promotional image for HMD Global and Mattel’s brand partnership.

You may be wondering what this unique collaboration will look like, but fear not – HMD Global isn’t revealing the final design just yet. However, they have shared some intriguing details. Ferguson teases, “There’s going to be new things in the software, and a lovely new look and feel. There’s going to be new stuff in the box and packaging. We are doing everything bespoke with Mattel in this partnership.” The companies have engaged in a highly collaborative design process, ensuring the Barbie Flip Phone truly embodies the vintage chic of the iconic brand, with a touch of pink and sparkle. ✨


为了增加期待感,HMD Global在MWC 2024发布了一张像素化的预告图片,暗示了手机预期的配色方案。但为什么要保持神秘呢?Ferguson解释道:“如果你这样做,很多注意力会放在手机本身和设备内部上。但这里有一个故事要讲述,我们会在发布前更近的时候做这件事。” 🎉

预计在夏季发布的Barbie Flip Phone代表了两个品牌共同努力使这款手机成为电影般成功的努力。正如Ferguson自豪地宣称的那样:“这是我们竭尽全力做的事情。”所以准备好拥抱你内心的孩子,并做好迎接2024年终极以手机为中心的惊喜的准备! 🎉📱

现在,谁想要Oppenheimer Flip Phone,带有一个单独的大红色按钮?让我们继续保持有趣和兴奋! 💥

👥 读者问答

问:Barbie Flip Phone在全球范围内可用吗? 答:尽管确切的可用性尚未宣布,但预计Barbie Flip Phone将全球发布。敬请关注发布日期更近时的更多更新!

问:功能手机通常具有哪些功能? 答:功能手机与智能手机相比更为简单。它们通常提供基本功能,如打电话、发送短信以及一些多媒体功能。然而,Barbie Flip Phone可能具有针对Barbie品牌和数码排毒概念量身定制的独特功能。

问:Barbie Flip Phone会有不同版本吗? 答:目前还没有关于Barbie Flip Phone不同版本的信息。但看到反映Barbie标志性历史不同方面的限量版或变体也不足为奇。让我们等待并看看HMD Global和Mattel为我们准备了什么惊喜!

🚀 影响和未来发展

HMD Global与Mattel为Barbie Flip Phone合作标志着品牌智能手机领域的新篇章。这种独特的合作关系不仅迎合了像Barbie这样标志性品牌所带来的怀旧情感,也涉及了对智能手机成瘾和数字健康日益关注的问题。它为未来超越表面联系并专注于更深层品牌价值的合作关系设立了先例。🌟


🔗参考资料阅读我们对Mobile World Congress的完整报道MWC 2024:预测最酷的手机技术概念和惊喜诺基亚为什么制造一个希望你拆开的安卓手机iPhone 15容易损坏吗?您真正需要知道的事情三星让您在购买前尝试其可折叠手机100天

🤩 现在轮到您了!在社交媒体上与您的朋友分享对Barbie Flip Phone的兴奋,并传播怀旧的快乐!🎉✨
