🚀 蓝天公司的 AT 协议资助:投资开发者社区促进增长 💸



Bluesky is providing funding for developer projects to enhance its Twitter alternative, ENBLE.

Would-be Twitter/X rival, Bluesky, is taking a new approach to foster growth and directly invest in its developer community. The company recently introduced the “AT Protocol Grants” program, which aims to support developers building on its new social networking protocol.

💡 What are AT Protocol Grants?

AT Protocol Grants is a program that provides small grants to developers who are creating projects using Bluesky’s social networking protocol. With grants ranging from $500 to $2,000 per project, the program aims to incentivize developers to build on the protocol. The grants will be awarded based on factors such as cost, usage, and other criteria.

🌟 How to Apply for AT Protocol Grants?

Interested developers can apply for AT Protocol Grants by filling out a form, which can be found on the Bluesky website. There is no deadline to apply, but the company will announce when the $10,000 allocated for the grants has been fully distributed.

💰 Grants Already Distributed

In a pilot program, Bluesky has already distributed $3,000 of the $10,000 grants to developers behind two popular SDKs: the AT Protocol Python SDK developed by Ilya Siamionau and the AT Protocol Dart SDK developed by Shinya Kato. Another recipient is SkyFeed, a unique tool that allows anyone, including non-developers, to build their own feeds using a graphical user interface. More than 40,000 custom feeds have been created using SkyFeed.

🏗️ Decentralized Social Networking: Bluesky’s Vision

Bluesky aims to provide users with the ability to personalize their experience by offering features like controlling their own moderation preferences and building or subscribing to custom feeds. Unlike the default timeline provided by Bluesky, users will also have the option to join federated servers with different moderation rules.

This concept of decentralized social networking has been present for some time with projects like Mastodon, Misskey, Pixelfed, and others, all utilizing the ActivityPub protocol. Even Meta’s Instagram Threads plans to integrate with ActivityPub. However, Bluesky challenges these existing options with its AT Protocol, which it believes is an improvement for several reasons, including its support for algorithmic choice.

💪 Investing in Community Projects

Bluesky understands the value of a third-party ecosystem in growing its user base and enhancing engagement with its platform. The company has opted to invest in community projects through public GitHub Sponsorships. As an added boost, Bluesky has partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to offer developers $5,000 in AWS Activate credits, which can help cover various costs associated with cloud services.

🐦 Differentiation from Twitter/X

Bluesky’s approach stands in stark contrast to how Twitter/X, under Elon Musk’s ownership, has treated developers. Twitter/X implemented changes to its API terms, effectively forcing many smaller developers, researchers, and bot builders out of business. Some have turned to alternatives like Mastodon, as seen with the launch of Ivory by Tweetbot developer Tapbots.

Bluesky’s collaborative approach with its developer community suggests that it recognizes the importance of fostering a thriving ecosystem. This could prove beneficial in the future, especially as the initial wave of growth following Bluesky’s public launch has started to taper off. Currently, the company boasts nearly 5.18 million users, but recent growth has slowed down.

🚀 Bluesky App Version 1.71: What’s New?

Alongside the announcement of AT Protocol Grants, Bluesky also released version 1.71 of its app. This update introduces various features, including a polished hashtag view page, an improved “mutewords” function that can catch quoted posts (excluding your own), and the ability to start hashtags with numbers.

🔗 References:

  1. Twitter/X rival Bluesky shows customized Super Bowl feeds – Article highlighting Bluesky’s new initiatives.
  2. Microsoft Teams finally coming to Android Auto – Learn more about the latest features for Microsoft Teams.
  3. Threads allow you to follow Mastodon users – Understand how Threads aims to integrate the ActivityPub protocol.
  4. Meta’s Instagram Threads reaches 130 million monthly users – Discover how Instagram Threads is growing its user base.
  5. Original App Store innovator Clear relaunches – Learn more about the latest updates to Clear’s app.


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