深岩银河幸存者 修复并打磨 💥




最后更新时间:2024年2月22日 📅


一个坚如磐石的社群! 🪨🚀

许多玩家最近一直在深岩银河幸存者中深入挖掘。面对现实吧,谁不喜欢一次愉快的挖矿探险呢?但有些玩家在通关时遇到了难题,无法击败关卡末尾的强大战舰。别担心,同道中人们!我们有一个快速指南,帮助您征服那只野兽。 🛠️🔨

深岩银河的矮人们不仅仅是高手矿工。他们甚至可能在未来走进您眼前的电视屏幕。想象一下,勇敢的小矿工在充满惊险的剧集中行动!但这款游戏背后的东西远不止表面看到的那么。开发人员致力于为他们的社群保持健康愉快的游戏体验。谁都不想惹怒一个矮人,对吧?因此,最新更新删除了一句开发人员认为冒犯性的对话,这句话偶尔会从他们粗壮的嘴巴里滑出,竟然是在消灭一些外星人渣后。 💣🗣️

引发争议的那句话是什么呢?“像你妈妈一样去死!” 啊呀! 😱 虽然这句话仍然存在于主游戏中,但聪明地被从自动射击的幸存者衍生版中移除了。猜猜?现在已经有一个模组来帮助您修剪掉主游戏中的这句话了。看到了吗?问题解决了! ⛏️✂️

开发人员与Funday Games合作,在他们的补丁说明中表示:“我们认为这句话不合适,不希望在玩家只想用视频游戏放松时提醒他们生活中令人伤心的事件。” 他们认识到言语潜在的影响,并考虑到了玩家的情感。👏❤️

现在,我们都知道关于移除或修改游戏内容的激烈讨论。有些玩家可能将其解释为一种审查制度。但是嘿,游戏真的需要那句特定的话吗?此外,我们生活在一个你可以轻松选择退出像母亲节这样的促销活动的世界,对吧?在进行挖矿疯狂时,你真的需要一个提醒你已故母亲的庄严提醒吗? 🌍😅

但等等,还有更多!补丁说明还暗示将来可能添加对话开关的可能性。所以,对于那些仍然渴望在充满矮人的冒险中有一丝黑色幽默的人,请坚持!如果有足够的玩家要求,开发人员可能会满足您的愿望。但让我们诚实一点,似乎为了一些不会被深深怀念的东西而付出太多努力了。所以,现在让我们享受这款全新经过精心打磨的无对话游戏体验吧。 💎✨

Paul McNally

关于作者:Paul McNally 🖊️

认识一下Paul McNally,游戏机专家文字巫师。自从1980年他的父母送他一台Mattel Intellivision起,他就沉浸在游戏和科技的世界中。 Paul作为著名游戏记者的职业生涯已有二十多年,期间担任过多本热门印刷游戏和计算机杂志的编辑。从GameProAmiga ActionPlayStation Pro,他一直站在游戏新闻事业的最前线。




## Q&A: Delving Deeper into Deep Rock Galactic 🤔🛠️
Q: What is Deep Rock Galactic Survivor?
Deep Rock Galactic Survivor is a thrilling spin-off of the popular game Deep Rock Galactic. It offers an action-packed auto-shooting experience where players face off against formidable enemies, including the dreaded Dreadnaught. The objective is to survive the depths of treacherous caves and mine valuable resources. Are you up for the challenge?
Q: Why was the offensive dialogue removed from Deep Rock Galactic Survivor?
The developers and Funday Games decided to remove the offensive dialogue, “Die like your mother did!” from Deep Rock Galactic Survivor to ensure a more inclusive and respectful gaming experience. The aim was to avoid triggering negative emotions or reminding players of tragic events in their lives.
Q: Is the offensive dialogue still present in the main Deep Rock Galactic game?
Yes, while the offensive line has been removed from Deep Rock Galactic Survivor, it still remains within the main Deep Rock Galactic game. The developers made the decision to eliminate it from the spin-off due to its potential insensitivity, but it may still be present in the original game.
Q: Will there be an option to toggle the dialogue in Deep Rock Galactic Survivor?
The patch notes hint at the possibility of adding a voice line filter in the options menu of Deep Rock Galactic Survivor in the future. This would give players the choice to enable or disable certain dialogues, including the offensive line in question. The developers will consider implementing this feature if there is sufficient demand from the player community.
Q: Can players remove the offensive dialogue from the main Deep Rock Galactic game as well?
Yes, players have the option to modify their game experience through mods. As mentioned in the article, a mod already exists to remove the offensive line from the main Deep Rock Galactic game. Modding offers players the freedom to personalize their gameplay and tailor it to their preferences.

The Impact and Future of Gaming Content ⚡🚀

The removal of the offensive dialogue from Deep Rock Galactic Survivor raises important questions about the role of content in video games. While some players may perceive it as censorship, it’s crucial to balance creative expression with sensitivity towards diverse player experiences. Game developers have a responsibility to consider the impact their content may have and create an inclusive and enjoyable environment for all players.

In the future, we can expect game developers to continue exploring dialogue customization options to cater to players’ preferences. Providing toggles or filters to enable or disable certain dialogues allows gamers to control their gaming experience and align it with their individual comfort levels. This flexibility promotes inclusivity and ensures that players can fully immerse themselves in the game without feeling alienated.

As the gaming industry evolves, we can anticipate more conversations around content moderation, cultural sensitivity, and player preferences. Games have the potential to bring people together, and it’s essential to strike a balance between creative expression and fostering an enjoyable and inclusive community.


  1. Helpful Guide to Defeating the Dreadnaught in Deep Rock Galactic
  2. Paul McNally’s LinkedIn Profile
  3. The Mirror – Technology
  4. GQ Magazine
  5. BG3 Patch 6 Arrives: What’s in the Giant 20,000-World Patch Notes?

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作者: Paul McNally 🖊️ Enble的游戏编辑 🎮✍️