如何更新 MacOS 应用程序:必备指南



Updating apps in MacOS Two options

🖥️🔧 Introduction

As a computer technology enthusiast, I take updating my MacOS devices very seriously. Not only do updates often provide performance and reliability improvements, but more importantly, they contain essential security patches that keep my computers safe. Ignoring updates is like leaving your front door unlocked while going on vacation – you’re just asking for trouble! So, let’s dive into the different approaches of updating MacOS apps and ensure that your devices are secured and up to date. 💻💪

📱 Updating Through the App Store

If you prefer a straightforward, user-friendly approach, updating your MacOS apps through the App Store is the way to go.

🚀 Step 1: Open the App Store

To get started, click on the Apple button in the upper-left corner of your screen. You’ll often find a number next to the App Store icon, indicating the available updates.

Available updates on MacBook Pro

🚀 Step 2: Update your apps

Clicking on the App Store icon will take you directly to the update section, where you can see the apps that need updating. Simply click the “Update” button next to each app, or save time by selecting “Update All.”

During the updating process, you might encounter a pop-up warning asking you to close other apps that may interfere with the update. Simply follow the instructions and click “Continue” to proceed.

Once the updates are complete, close the App Store, and voila! Your apps are updated, and your Mac is ready to roll. 🎉👍

⌨️🔨 Updating Through the Command Line

If you’re a command line hero and love the thrill of running commands, updating MacOS apps through the terminal is the way to go. 🚀💻

⚙️ Step 1: Open the Terminal app

To fire up your terminal app, click on the Launchpad icon in your Dock, type “terminal,” and open the Terminal app.

⚙️ Step 2: Check for available updates

Now, it’s time to run a command to check for available updates. 📜 The command you need is:


sudo softwareupdate -l


您将被提示输入您的sudo密码(您的MacOS用户密码)。 💡


⚙️ 步骤 3:更新应用程序



sudo softwareupdate -i Mail


在提示时输入您的sudo密码,然后观看魔法发生!🪄✨ 更新完成后,您可能需要重新启动您的Mac(如果需要重新启动,您会收到通知)。之后,重新打开应用程序,享受更新带来的新功能和安全补丁。

❓❗️ 常见问题 – 解决您的疑虑

问:如果我有多台MacOS设备怎么办?我需要逐个更新吗? 答:不用担心!苹果提供了无缝的生态系统,让您可以同时更新所有连接的设备。只需在每台设备上按照相同的更新流程操作,它们将保持同步。

问:我可以为我的MacOS应用程序安排自动更新吗? 答:可以!MacOS允许您为应用程序安排自动更新。转到 系统偏好设置 > 软件更新,在 高级 下,勾选“安装应用程序更新”复选框。

问:除了更新应用程序外,如何确保我的Mac保持安全? 答:定期更新您的MacOS应用程序对于安全至关重要,但额外的措施可以进一步增强您的Mac的安全性。安装可靠的防病毒软件,启用防火墙,并在下载文件或点击可疑链接时保持警惕。

问:更新MacOS应用程序是否存在风险? 答:与任何软件更新一样,可能存在潜在错误或兼容性问题的风险。然而,这些风险远不及增强安全性和提高性能的好处。

🌐🔮 MacOS更新的未来


📚 进一步阅读:

  1. Prompt security wants to make Genea the safe enterprise | TechCrunch
  2. How I purged over 175GB of files from my Mac in under a minute (and you can too) | Blog Post
  3. Bluetooth in Linux fails? The command line to the rescue! | Enble
  4. How to update every Apple device (iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and more) | Blog Post
  5. The Apple products you shouldn’t buy this month | Digital Trends

📣 分享并确保安全!


🔒✨ 通过定期更新使您的Mac持续发光,祝您计算愉快!🖥️💪
