在 Microsoft Edge 中增强安全性:5 个必备设置



5 Microsoft Edge settings for safer browsing than Chrome

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Once upon a time, had you told me that one day I’d install and use a web browser made by Microsoft on Linux, I’d have thought you’d gone mad. 🤪 But after using Edge for a while on Linux, I can certainly see why it’s quickly becoming such a popular option. It’s like finding a unicorn in a forest of horses! 🦄

It’s based on Chromium but offers quite a bit more features and options than Chrome. It’s pretty fast, and – more importantly – it can be made much more secure than Google’s browser.💪 So, let’s dive into the tech realm and take a closer look at the 5 essential security settings you need to enable in Microsoft Edge to ensure a safer browsing experience.

1. 🚫 Disable Save Payment Methods

Although saving your payment methods in a web browser is convenient, it’s not something I would ever recommend. To that end, I always disable the saving of payment methods. You don’t want your credit card information falling into the wrong hands, do you? The problem is that this setting is sort of hidden within Edge. On top of that, depending on your operating system, the saving of payment information will vary. So, ensure that “Saving Payment Methods” and “Save Payment Info” are disabled. Your money is better saved in your wallet, not in your browser! 💸

🔗 查看:为什么 Opera 是我最喜欢的浏览器(你也应该看看)

2. 🙅‍♂️ Don’t Save Passwords

Most browsers have a built-in password manager, but let’s face it, they’re not the Fort Knox of password security. I highly recommend using a dedicated password manager. They’re like the bouncers at the door of a VIP club, solely focused on keeping your passwords secure. So, disable the password-saving feature in Microsoft Edge and unleash your passwords on a reputable password manager that has your back! You’ll sleep better at night, I promise. 😴

🔗 推荐阅读:我尝试了两种无密码密码管理器,并对其中一种印象深刻

3. 🍪 Clear Cookies and Data Upon Close

Cookies can be sweet, but not in the digital world. If you allow cookies to remain saved, they can be used against you in numerous ways. 🍪 Companies can collect data about you, and a bad actor could use those saved cookies for nefarious purposes. That doesn’t sound like a cookie you’d want to eat, right? So, let Edge automatically delete them when you close the browser. It’s like having a digital-butler who does the dirty work for you! 🎩✨

🔗 看看:最佳安全浏览器,保护你的在线隐私

4. 🤝 Create Profiles for Different Purposes

If you use Microsoft Edge for both business and personal purposes, it’s essential to keep those worlds separate. By creating separate profiles for each, the information is protected from cross-pollination. This way, your boss won’t frown upon seeing your random social media adventures when browsing on the company’s time. So, let’s give a round of applause to this feature, Information-Separation! 👏

🔗 发现更多:1Password 让你放弃主密码,选择密码钥

5. 🛡 Disable Personalization & Advertising

Unless you have an agenda to let Microsoft save your browsing activity for targeted ads, which I highly discourage, it’s best to disable this feature. No one wants their data falling into the wrong hands, especially digital stalkers. So, ensure that “Personalization & Advertising” is turned off. Let’s keep personalization for birthday presents, not ads! 🎁🙅‍♀️


🔗 探索:如何阻止谷歌出售您的浏览器历史以进行广告定位

实施这五个设置将把 Microsoft Edge 变成在线安全的堡垒。是时候放心地浏览并把烦恼丢在脑后了!💪✨

参考资料: – 5 个可能使 Microsoft Edge 成为我新最爱 Linux 浏览器的功能 – Enble – Opera 是我最喜爱的浏览器的 5 大原因(你也应该试试) – Enble – 我试用了两款无密码密码管理器,其中一款让我印象深刻 – Enble – 最佳安全浏览器,保护在线隐私 – Enble – 1Password 让您放弃主密码,改用通行证 – Enble – 如何阻止谷歌出售您的浏览器历史以进行广告定位 – Enble

