eBay发布Pokémon拍卖:抓住所有精灵的黄金机会 🎉🎊



eBay is marking Pokémon Day with a special auction called Catch 151 featuring rare cards and collectibles.

eBay celebrates Pokémon Day!

eBay, the ultimate marketplace for collectors, has just announced an exciting event for all Pokémon enthusiasts out there. Prepare your Poké Balls because eBay is hosting a dedicated Pokémon auction, featuring a diverse range of ultra-rare cards and collectibles! 🎁

Catch 151: The Pokémon Auction

Dubbed “Catch 151” as a nod to Pokémon’s iconic slogan, “Gotta catch ’em all,” this one-day special event is set to celebrate Pokémon Day in style. The auction will offer a remarkable collection of highly sought-after and valuable Pokémon cards and collectibles, all at accessible price points. Starting from as low as $1.51, the prices are sure to make both collectors and average shoppers excited! 💸💰

According to Gene Cook, VP of Global Collectibles at eBay, “Pokémon Day has become an iconic moment for the community to come together and celebrate their fandom. For many Pokémon trainers, hunting down and ‘catching’ cards and collectibles on eBay is all part of the experience. The ‘Catch 151’ event celebrates that dedication by offering one of the most incredible collections of rare, high-end collectibles in a single event.”

What Pokémon Items Are Up for Auction?

As the name suggests, this Pokémon auction pays homage to the beloved first generation of Pokémon, featuring collectibles from those early days of the franchise. One of the highlights of the auction is the rare Charizard card, a perennial fan-favorite and one of the most searched characters on eBay’s secondhand marketplace. Whether you’re a long-time collector or a newbie to the Pokémon world, this auction promises something for everyone.

But that’s not all! The auction will also include other treasured finds, such as a collection of cards from the game’s first trading card release, including Blastoise, Venusaur, Mewtwo, Zapdos, and more. Additionally, alternate issues of popular creatures like Dark Charizard, Sabrina’s Gengar, and Shining Tyranitar will be up for grabs. And let’s not forget about the one-of-a-kind promo cards, ranging from Corocoro Mew to last year’s “Pikachu with Gray Felt Hat,” which was initially released in partnership with the Van Gogh Museum.

Not limited to just trading cards, the auction will also feature fashionable items and sporting goods for Pokémon fans. Imagine flaunting a Fendi x FRGMNT x Pokémon Peekaboo ISeeU Petite bag featuring Dratini or dazzling your friends with a Tiffany x Arsham Studio x Pokémon Diamond Necklace adorned with a Pikachu Pendant. These unique collaborations bring together the worlds of fashion and Pokémon, offering something truly exceptional for collectors and enthusiasts alike.

And here’s the great news: Every trading card in the auction is backed by eBay Authenticity Guarantee, ensuring that buyers will receive genuine Pokémon cards. So bid with confidence, trainers!

Save the Date for Catch 151

Mark your calendars for February 27th and get ready to embark on this thrilling Pokémon auction adventure. Catch 151 will kick off at 12:01 am EST, giving you a head start in snatching up these remarkable Pokémon collectibles. And if you want to witness the excitement unfold, don’t forget to tune in to the live stream on eBay, where you can take a teleshopping-style peek at some of the featured items.

So, whether you’re a seasoned collector aiming to add rare gems to your collection or a newbie looking to start your Pokémon journey, eBay’s Catch 151 Pokémon auction is an event you won’t want to miss! Get ready to catch ’em all, trainers! 🎊🎉

Q&A: Your Pokémon Auction FAQs Answered! 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️

Q: Are these Pokémon cards and collectibles authentic?

Yes, absolutely! eBay’s Authenticity Guarantee ensures that every single trading card featured in the auction is 100% genuine. So you can bid and buy with confidence, knowing that you’re getting the real deal. Say goodbye to worries about counterfeit items!


Q: 将拍卖会包括其他精灵宝可梦世代的稀有卡片吗?


Q: 如果我是精灵宝可梦收藏的新手,能参加拍卖吗?

当然可以!Catch 151 拍卖会对所有人开放,无论是经验丰富的收藏家还是初学者。这个活动是开始您的精灵宝可梦收藏之旅的绝佳机会,拥有价格实惠、易于获取的物品。此外,在 eBay 用户友好的平台上参加拍卖就像扔一个精灵球一样简单!

Q: 拍卖会除了交换卡片之外还能找到其他物品吗?

当然可以!eBay了解到精灵宝可梦的粉丝群不仅局限于交换卡片游戏。因此,拍卖会还将展示时尚物品和运动用品,例如 Fendi x FRGMNT x Pokémon 包或 Tiffany x Arsham Studio x Pokémon 钻石项链。所以,即使卡片不是您的菜,您仍然可以找到一些特别的东西来展示您对精灵宝可梦的热爱。

Catch 151 之外的世界是什么?



但让我们不要忘记对 Catch 151 拍卖会周围的目前兴奋。2月27日就快到了,所以开始准备您的策略,设置提醒,并为一天充满激动的精灵宝可梦收藏做好准备!


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Rachael Davis
Rachael Davis


Rachael Davies 已经在科技和娱乐领域报道了六年。她引人入胜的文章曾在《晚间标准》、《赫芬顿邮报》、《发晕》等出版物中发表过。凭借其内容新闻学硕士学位,她大胆地探索了科技世界的各种主题。Rachael 的专业知识不仅限于撰写文章——作为《玛丽苏》英国编辑,她还有编辑经验。她在会议上分享有关新闻学和搜索引擎优化的见解,倡导优化在该领域的重要性。您可以在 Muck Rack 查看她的完整作品集,或在 Twitter 上关注她的社交媒体活动。



您准备好进入宝可梦收藏的世界了吗?不要错过 eBay 的“捕获 151” 拍卖,那里有令人难以置信的宝藏等着您。在下方评论中分享您对拍卖的兴奋和策略,并别忘了在您的同伴训练师中传播这一消息。让我们共同庆祝对宝可梦的热爱,一起来抓住它们吧!💪❤️

(文章更新时间:2024 年 2 月 23 日)
