🌙 月鸟:改善睡眠和减轻压力之路



Moonbird’s relaxation device is now available worldwide! 🌎 #ENBLE

“Well, it looks like you had some fun recently,” a friend said as he joined me for coffee. There, in the middle of my dining room table, is a device that does, now that he mentions it, look an awful lot like a sex toy. Moonbird’s raison d’etre isn’t to raise your pulse and get you breathing heavily. Quite the opposite, in fact. The Belgian company has helped more than 35,000 customers find sleep and reduce stress through breathing exercises. 😮

The Bird-Looking Wonder Device

The bird-looking Moonbird device is super simple to use. Give it a shake, place your thumb on the sensor, and the palm-sized device starts whirring gently as it expands in size, then shrinks back down. 🐦 By using the “breathing” plastic bird to pace your own breathing, your body gets tricked into thinking that everything is copacetic in the world. It really seems like it shouldn’t work, but it does. Science agrees, as a paper published in Frontiers in Psychology concludes that “slow breathing can be used as an alternate, non-pharmacological therapy for hypertension individuals to reduce blood pressure” 💪. Even Harvard Medical School suggests that Moonbird is good for stress. And trust me, from personal experience, I’ve woken up holding the little nugget of plastic more than once in the week I’ve tried it out.

How It Works

Whenever I evaluate a tech product, I wonder “does this really need to exist?,” especially given that there seem to be more than 2,500 meditation apps available, and at least a couple of dozen breathwork or breathing-specific apps. Manufacturing more chunks of plastic that will inevitably end up in the trash — is that a good idea? You may think not! But the company’s founders make a compelling case for their existence.

Stefanie Broes, founder and CEO at Moonbird, in an interview with ENBLE, explains why Moonbird is unlike any other app out there. She declares the phone the enemy of sleep. “You’ll be scrolling and doing other stuff. For me, it was really important that we develop a non-connected, non-app solution that guides you to pace your breathing. By breathing at a rate that’s scientifically proven to relax your nervous system, it will calm you down. We had the idea of developing a device — a physical thing — that helps by breathing with you. So you don’t need to listen or look at an app, but a physical object that moves for you in an organic way.” 📱🚫

The Journey to Better Sleep

Stefanie, who was experiencing insomnia during her PhD, discovered breathwork and its amazing benefits. Together with her brother Michael, they embarked on a journey to bring Moonbird to life, blending medical science with data-driven insights. Moonbird activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation without continuous app connectivity. This simplicity, combined with the option for biofeedback through an app, makes Moonbird accessible to a wide audience, from children to the elderly. Impressive, right? 🌥️✨

With proven success in Europe, Moonbird is now ready to conquer the U.S. market. The Broes siblings are excited about the potential to replicate their success and continue their mission of promoting breathwork’s therapeutic potential. They emphasize the importance of a good product, scientific backing, and simplicity in achieving success – and have published a white paper and a bunch of additional science to back up their claims. 🌍📚

Sustainability and Repairability

When pushed on the sustainability of their products, the Moonbird team highlights that they are doing what they can to minimize their environmental impact. The device works without an app, so even if the Moonbird company were to disappear, the product itself will continue to work. They produce locally and optimize their supply chain and logistics to minimize the impact on the environment. Moreover, Moonbird offers a 30-day trial period and a repair service. Even if your dog chews it to pieces, they’ll repair it. They want to keep as many devices in use as possible. Talk about commitment! 🌿🔧

The Future of Moonbird




您可以从他们的网站上以仅售199美元的价格订购一款Moonbird。清新的空气:这将是您唯一需要支付的费用。没有订阅费用!最棒的部分是吗?Moonbird应用中提供的所有内容都是免费的,没有付费墙。您将拥有完全所有权,甚至可以与其他人分享您的设备。那么,您还在等什么呢?与Moonbird共同体验呼吸工作的力量,告别失眠和压力。 😴✌️


📸 图像来源: 图像1, 图像2

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