摩托罗拉推出新的预算手机:Moto G Power 5G(2024)和Moto G 5G(2024)

经济实惠的手机不再像以前那样笨重和不吸引人,正如摩托罗拉推出的新款Moto G Power 5G和Moto G 5G所展示的那样


Motorola’s new affordable phones are surprisingly sleek and stylish.

The Moto G Power 5G and Moto G 5G phones in a render.

While the flashy flagship phone announcements often steal the spotlight, let’s not overlook the new phones in the budget range. Motorola, once the reigning king of budget phones, was dethroned by strong contenders like Samsung and OnePlus. But that doesn’t mean Motorola is giving up. In fact, they’ve just announced two new smartphones in the sub-$300 price range: the Moto G Power 5G (2024) and the Moto G 5G (2024). Here’s everything you need to know.

Moto G Power 5G (2024)

Two Moto G Power 5G 2024 units side-by-side on a blank background.

Leading the pack is the Motorola Moto G Power 5G (2024). While it may not have the technical prowess of high-end phones, Motorola has packed in several great features that we love to see in a $300 smartphone.

Power to Last

Let’s start with the phone’s namesake feature: the battery. The G Power boasts a massive 5,000mAh battery, which combined with its lower-powered specs, promises battery life that lasts days, not just hours. But what’s changed this year is the charging speed. Motorola has gone a little mad and included support for 30W fast charging. Yes, you read that right. It’s faster than the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 or even the Apple iPhone 15 Pro. And that’s not all—they even threw in 15W wireless charging because, why not? So, make sure to invest in a faster charger to enjoy those increased speeds.

Aesthetically Pleasing

In terms of design, while these phones may not fool anyone into thinking they’re high-end devices, they still hold their own in the style department. The new Moto G Power has a vegan leather back and although it has slightly chunkier bezels than most other phones, giving it a sizeable chin below the display, it has its own unique appeal. And guess what? It still retains the beloved 3.5mm headphone jack. The display is a 6.7-inch LCD panel with a 2400 x 1080 resolution and a 60-120Hz adaptable refresh rate.

Performance and Storage

Now, let’s talk performance. It’s true that the Dimensity 7020 processor powering the Moto G Power may not be as powerful as flagship processors, but when coupled with 8GB of RAM and Motorola’s RAM Boost feature—which uses up to 8GB of your storage as additional RAM—it should deliver a solid performance. Speaking of storage, the Moto G Power 5G comes with a respectable 128GB.

Camera Capabilities

Cameras on budget phones can be hit or miss, and we can’t judge the Moto G Power’s camera until we get our hands on it. However, a 50-megapixel main lens is definitely a promising sign, especially when it utilizes Quad Pixel tech to enhance low-light photography. It’s accompanied by an 8MP ultrawide lens, which we hope will be a worthwhile addition. Historically, the extra lenses on cheaper phones tend to be underwhelming, but let’s reserve judgement until we see the actual results.

Software and Pricing

The Moto G Power 5G (2024) will launch with Android 14, but there’s no official confirmation on further updates. However, priced at $300, the Moto G Power 5G offers great value for the price. It will be available for purchase from March 22 at Cricket, with availability in other locations following soon after. Unlocked versions will hit the market on March 29.


Moto G 5G (2024)

两款 Moto G 5G 2024 并排放置在空白背景上。

Motorola Moto G 5G (2024) 是这两款新设备中的第二款,虽然定价仅为 $200,但绝不是次要的选择。实际上,它定位良好,有望在预算手机市场上产生强大影响。


Moto G 5G 与 Moto G Power 有许多相似之处,尽管有一些功能有所减弱。然而,这并不应被视为缺点,因为 Motorola 简单地移除了不会被深感缺失的元素。例如,Moto G 5G 保留了其更昂贵兄弟上找到的 50MP 主镜头,但放弃了额外的 8MP 超广角镜头。取而代之的是,它选择了一颗 2MP 微距镜头,可能不会为整体相机体验增添太多。


为匹配其实惠的价格标签,Moto G 5G 配备了一个略小的 6.6 英寸 LCD 面板,分辨率为 720p。它提供相同的 60-120Hz 刷新率,这是一个不错的增加,配有杜比全景声支持,以及相同的人造皮革背板。5000mAh 电池确保持久的续航时间,尽管缺乏其更昂贵对手的快充功能,以 18W 速度充电。由高通骁龙 4 代 1 芯片提供动力,并配备 4GB 的 RAM,这可能不是最强大的组合,但您可以通过 RAM 增强功能将 RAM 加倍。另外,128GB 的存储空间是受欢迎的包含。


Moto G 5G (2024) 出厂自带 Android 14,但尚无未来更新的官方消息。价格仅为 $200,Moto G 5G 是一个出色的预算选项。将于 3 月 21 日在 T-Mobile 和 Metro by T-Mobile 上开始出售,其他零售商随后也将开始销售。 解锁版将于 5 月 2 日开始提供。


问:这些手机与 5G 网络兼容吗?是的,Moto G Power 5G (2024) 和 Moto G 5G (2024) 都是兼容 5G 的设备。这意味着您可以体验更快的网络速度,利用日益增多的 5G 网络。

问:这些手机支持可扩展存储吗?不支持,无论是 Moto G Power 5G (2024) 还是 Moto G 5G (2024) 都没有可扩展存储选项。但是,它们都配备了充足的内部存储空间—128GB—用于您的应用程序、照片和视频。

问:这些手机将来会接收软件更新吗?虽然这两款手机将搭载最新的 Android 14 运行,但未来的软件更新尚无确切消息。不过,摩托罗拉一直以为其设备提供软件更新而闻名,因此很可能它们将来至少会接收一次重要的软件更新。

问:这些预算手机的相机质量如何?预算手机往往难以与更昂贵的机型相匹敌的相机质量。但是,通过一颗 50MP 主镜头和增强低光照摄影的四重像素技术,Moto G Power 5G (2024) 显示出前景。 Moto G 5G (2024) 也提供类似的相机设置,尽管缺乏额外的超广角镜头。我们将不得不等待看看它们在实际情况中的表现如何。


发布 Moto G Power 5G (2024) 和 Moto G 5G (2024) 显示了摩托罗拉对预算手机市场的承诺。凭借坚实的规格、引人入胜的功能和具有竞争力的价格组合,这些设备注定将产生重大影响。随着 5G 网络的不断扩展和更多消费者寻求负担得起的智能手机选项,摩托罗拉的新产品处于良好位置,满足这些需求。




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