2024年世界移动通信大会:科技奇迹和疯狂概念的一周 📱🌍

本周,TechCrunch团队在巴塞罗那报道MWC 2024的所有移动科技新闻


MWC 2024 All the latest announcements, like a futuristic ‘rollable’ Motorola phone. | ENBLE

Mobile World Congress 2024

The excitement is tangible as the tech world gathers in Barcelona for Mobile World Congress 2024. This year’s event is packed with big announcements, mind-boggling concepts, and jaw-dropping innovations. Our team at ENBLE is here to bring you all the action, keeping you informed and entertained throughout the week. So buckle up, sit back, and get ready for a whirlwind tour of the tech extravaganza!

Displace Takes TV Mounting to a New Level 📺💪

Displace MiniTV

Have you ever struggled with mounting a TV on your wall? Well, say goodbye to traditional mounting headaches because Displace has revolutionized the game. Their 55-inch Display Flex product is a “wireless” $3,000 4K OLED TV that sticks to walls without any drilling or complicated installations. And that’s just the beginning! Displace has more exciting things in store, including a “Display Mini” – a smaller 27-inch TV designed specifically for kitchen or bathroom spaces. Imagine catching up on your favorite show while cooking or getting ready in the morning. But that’s not all; Displace is also working on an “AI-powered shopping engine” that allows you to purchase products directly from ads on your TV. Talk about convenience!

摩托罗拉的可卷曲概念手机:将技术包裹在你的手腕周围 ⌚📱

Motorola’s rollable concept phone

How big is too big for a device that you wear on your wrist? Lenovo has an answer for you with their “rollable concept phone” designed for Motorola. This phone literally wraps around your wrist, blurring the boundaries between fashion and technology. While it’s still in the concept stage, it’s fascinating to see how innovative minds are pushing the limits of what’s possible. And who knows, one day we might all be flaunting rollable phones on our wrists!

WowMouse: 你的Android智能手表的最佳伴侣 🤏⌚

DoublePoint Wowmouse app

If you’re tired of fiddling with tiny buttons on your Android smartwatch, DoublePoint has a solution for you. Their WowMouse gesture-touch control app allows you to navigate your smartwatch with simple and intuitive gestures. It’s like having a virtual touchpad on your wrist. Now you can smoothly pinch, swipe, and scroll your way through your smartwatch interface, making your experience more effortless than ever before.

微软的AI访问原则:开放对话还是讽刺? 🌐🤖

A Microsoft store entrance with the company’s logo

Microsoft recently announced their “AI Access Principles,” an 11-point plan to govern their AI datacenter infrastructure and other essential AI assets around the world. While this move suggests openness to dialogue and conversation with stakeholders, it’s ironic that the announcement came in a keynote speech, leaving no room for follow-up questions. Nonetheless, it’s a step in the right direction as we navigate the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in our society.


小米的电动车:科技与出行的融合 ⚡🚗

Xiaomi’s SU7


三星的智能戒指:时尚睡眠追踪 💍😴

Samsung’s Galaxy Ring

钻石也许是女孩最好的朋友,但对于那些夜晚不安宁的人来说,三星推出了完美的伙伴 – Galaxy Ring。这款时尚的智能戒指内置传感器,可测量心率、运动和呼吸,为您提供有价值的健康和睡眠数据。就像在手指上拥有一位个人睡眠分析师!虽然定价和电池续航时间尚未公布,但可以肯定的是 – 三星正在为睡眠追踪赋予全新的意义。

一加手表2:续航强劲 ⌚⚡

OnePlus Watch 2


小米的CyberDog 2.0:具备机械动作的狗 🐕🤖

Xiaomi’s CyberDog

还记得小米的CyberDog吗?它回来了,比以往任何时候都更出色!这款机器狗引起了科技爱好者的想象,包括我们自己的布莱恩·希特。布莱恩有机会目睹CyberDog可爱的舞蹈动作,并注意到它与波士顿动力熟悉机器人的缩小版本相似。小米自上一版本以来进行了一些改进,包括更为逼真的头部设计。虽然CyberDog 2目前以3000美元的价格出售,但为了拥有一个未来感伴侣而支付的代价微不足道。

联想的透明笔记本电脑:工作时带着视野 💻🌆

Lenovo’s transparent laptop

如果您曾经想知道在您工作时笔记本电脑后面发生了什么,联想有答案 – 一款透明笔记本电脑!虽然这种概念短期内可能不会上市,但它展示了联想在突破设计界限方面的创造力。屏幕上的透明窗格创造了一种增强现实般的体验,将图形覆盖在其后的真实世界上。就像在您密切关注数字或输入时拥有另一个维度的窗户。

谷歌的人工智能驱动未来:从信息到可穿戴设备 📲🔮


谷歌正在将人工智能融入更多的服务中,为手机、汽车和可穿戴设备带来一波新功能。谷歌的AI语言模型Gemini正被用于制作消息、为图像生成标题和总结文本。Android Auto也正在引入AI驱动的文本摘要,使人们更容易在行进中保持更新。对于Wear OS用户,即将推出的通行证和与Google Messages的集成令人期待。谷歌并没有止步于此;他们还推出与辅助功能相关的功能,如Lookout 应用程序,为视力受损用户提供AI生成的图像标题。未来的发展确实是由人工智能驱动的!

科技奇迹的影响和未来 💥🚀


⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ ###### 回顾未来:2024年世界移动通信大会上的科技仙境让我们展望未来。这种创造力和创新的爆发只是一个开始。当我们步入一个智能设备与生活无缝整合的世界时,可能性似乎是无限的。无论是卷曲的手机包裹在我们的手腕上,还是透明的笔记本揭示背后的世界,我们的未来定将是科技和现实惊人融合的时代。所以拴紧你们的安全带,伙计们-这场旅程才刚刚开始!🎢


Q: Displace的无线电视安装是如何工作的? A: Displace的无线电视安装利用了革命性技术,消除了传统壁挂所需的装配。他们的Display Flex电视售价3,000美元,可以平滑地粘附在墙上,无需任何钻孔或安装设备。就像魔术一样!在这里了解更多信息here

Q: 摩托罗拉的可卷展概念手机是真实存在还是仅为概念? A: 摩托罗拉的可卷展概念手机正如其名称所示,是一个概念。虽然它不是一款可以购买的产品,但展示了摩托罗拉对移动设备未来的创新愿景。在这里查看更多详细信息here

Q: 我如何在Android智能手表上使用WowMouse进行导航? A: WowMouse是由DoublePoint开发的令人难以置信的手势触控应用程序。它允许您使用直观的手势来导航您的Android智能手表。只需轻轻捏、滑动和滚动,就可以轻松控制手表的界面。告别微小的按钮!在这里查看更多信息here

Q: 微软的人工智能访问原则是什么? A: 微软的人工智能访问原则是一个框架,用于统治他们的全球AI数据中心基础设施和其他关键的人工智能资产。它概述了11个关键点,强调了他们对负责任的AI实践的承诺。微软旨在与利益相关者展开对话和合作,以确保AI的道德和负责任使用。在这里了解更多信息here

Q: 小米的电动汽车SU7何时会上市? A: 小米的备受期待的电动汽车SU7将于明年在中国上市。尽管具体日期尚未公布,但小米进军电动车领域是迈向可持续出行的激动人心的一步。敬请关注这个迷人项目的更新!在这里查看更多信息here


随着2024年的世界移动通信大会不断展开,我们不禁思考这些创新将对我们的生活产生什么影响。可卷曲手机会成为新常态吗?人工智能将如何革新日常任务?可能性是无限的,我们有责任拥抱并塑造技术的未来。告诉我们你的想法,分享你在MWC 2024喜爱的科技奇迹! 🚀💬

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