AI 增强女性创始人的声音:克服科技行业的性别不平衡



AI 中赋予女性创始人力量

Dr Angie Ma. Credit: Faculty AI

去年十月,英国艾伦·图灵研究所的研究人员发出了性别失衡在人工智能(AI)投资中存在“迫切问题”的警示。但令人遗憾的是,没有人感到意外。然而,拥有数据总是件好事。该报告发现,过去十年中,只有 3% 的 AI 创业初创公司由女性创立,并获得了风险投资。虽然该研究仅关注英国,但其他国家也报告了类似的发现。 📊💔

随着生成式 AI 的蓬勃发展,鼓励不同创始人视角的重要性,以抵消一种即将渗透日常生活并愈发无处不在的技术中的偏见,不言而喻。因此,AI 领域性别代表不足的鸿沟令人担忧,远非仅仅是“糟糕”这种认识那样简单。当然,这不仅是资金或 AI 作为一个行业的问题。科技领域中女性的代表性受到结构性因素的限制,例如行业文化和 STEM 领域中女性的较低比例。在改变性别失衡方面,支持和关注挑战以及成功至为重要。 💪👩‍💻

“AI 中确实很少有女性创始人,”英国初创企业 Faculty AI 联合创始人马博士说道。“但作为一名科技企业创始人,我的经历是非常有意义的。别误会,这并不意味着很容易,事实上,这是我做过的最艰难的事情。但我认为重要的是旅程。因为在旅程中,我遇到了许多无私帮助我的出色人士,并且并不期望得到任何回报。”

UCL 中的“AI 绝佳时刻”

马博士在 2000 年代初的互联网繁荣时期完成了物理学学位。与几位朋友一起,她创建了一个为在线购物创建数据库的公司。用她自己的话来说,它“失败得很彻底。” 😬

在家人鼓励下试水法律领域并意识到自己将成为“一名糟糕的律师”后,她开始在伦敦大学学院(UCL)攻读物理学博士学位,那时正值“AI 绝佳时刻”,她说。 (DeepMind 的创始人 Demis Hassabis,Shane Legg 和 Mustafa Suleyman 同期就读。) 🎓

马博士随后在 2014 年与两位联合创始人 Marc Warner 和 Andrew Brookes 共同创立了 Faculty AI,旨在帮助企业实现安全的“以人为本”的 AI。该初创企业现在拥有西门子、黑石集团、Stripe、英国航空公司和英国内政部等知名客户。 “人为先的方法意味着 AI 是由人类设计的,旨在增强人类决策,而不是取代它,” 马博士解释道。 该公司还与威尔士的 NHS 医院合作,以减少床位堵塞。即当医院床位被不再真正需要它们的患者占用时,基本上是为其他候选人“堵塞”了获取机会。 Faculty 的预测性 AI 工具成功降低了这种现象达到 35%。 🏥🔮


尽管马博士承认女性在这个领域面临的挑战,但她也热衷于强调创始人之间的共同点以及一个支持性网络如何成为在常常要求极高的环境中航行的关键。“创始人面临一套独特的挑战和障碍,拥有一个支持性群体可以产生巨大的影响,” 她强调,并解释道,自己在过去七年中一直参加一个每月聚一次的创始人小组。

她表示,类似这样的活动可能占用时间且需要承诺,但好处是无法估量的。“通常,女性倾向于将他人置于自己之上,无意间忽视投资于建立人际网络或参与发展活动,” 马博士补充道。 🤝




Returning our conversation to how women can support other women in AI, Dr. Ma tells a story illustrating how even though we may not immediately understand or notice our impact, it does not mean it doesn’t exist. And how no effort is too small.

The day before our conversation, she says, she met with a young woman from her old school who had just finished her degree and reached out because she wanted career advice about breaking into AI. “It turns out she attended an AI workshop I did for 15-16-year-old students before COVID. At the time, the workshop didn’t get much attention so I thought ‘oh, people are not interested.’ But nonetheless, it left an impression on her and influenced how she thought about her career aspirations. It also prompted me to think about how I can increase my visibility among young women, sharing my story, my journey, my missteps, and lessons. Because I think inspiring the next generation requires more than just accomplishment and successes — it actually requires vulnerability and authenticity.” 😊


Q: What are some other challenges faced by female founders in the tech industry?

Female founders in the tech industry often face challenges such as gender bias, lack of representation, and limited access to capital. The industry culture, which is predominantly male-dominated, can create barriers for women trying to make their mark. Additionally, the lower rates of women in STEM fields contribute to the gender gap in the tech industry. It is crucial to address these challenges and work towards creating a more inclusive environment that supports and uplifts female founders.

Q: How can we encourage more women to pursue careers in AI and tech?

To encourage more women to pursue careers in AI and tech, it is essential to provide mentorship and role models. Highlighting the achievements and success stories of women in the industry can inspire others and provide a roadmap for their own aspirations. Educational programs and initiatives that focus on STEM education for girls and young women can also play a significant role in bridging the gender gap. Creating a supportive network and inclusive communities where women can connect, learn, and thrive is another essential aspect of encouraging more women to enter the field.

Q: What steps can companies take to promote diversity and inclusion in AI?

Companies can take several steps to promote diversity and inclusion in AI. Firstly, they can ensure diverse representation in their teams by actively recruiting and supporting women and other underrepresented groups. Building an inclusive company culture that fosters equal opportunities and values diverse perspectives is also crucial. AI algorithms should be developed and tested with diverse datasets to mitigate bias and ensure fair and ethical outcomes. Additionally, offering training programs and support for professional development can help empower women and create a more balanced workforce.


The gender imbalance in AI and the tech industry as a whole is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. Dr. Angie Ma’s story exemplifies the challenges and triumphs faced by female founders, highlighting the importance of support and representation. By prioritizing personal development, networking, and creating a supportive ecosystem, we can pave the way for more women to succeed in AI and contribute to shaping the future of technology. 💪🌟


  1. The report
  2. The Gender Imbalance in Artificial Intelligence Investment
  3. Why Venture Capital Investing In AI Has A Gender Diversity Problem
  4. [The Urgent Issue of Gender Imbalance in Artificial Intelligence Investment](
