


顶尖新闻 苹果汽车项目搁置,iOS 17.4更新等

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在一场令人震惊的事件中,苹果正式取消了备受期待的电动汽车项目。这一震撼性的宣布是经过多年的谣言和困扰之后的。虽然一些员工现在将专注于生成式人工智能,这被预计将成为iOS 18的一个关键功能,但其他人可能不幸将面临裁员。

🚗 苹果汽车的历史和挑战为了充分了解这一决定的重要性,让我们一起穿越时光,重新审视苹果汽车的历史。从2014年创立之初开始,该项目遇到了各种障碍和困难。有关详细情况,请查看我们关于苹果汽车历史的回顾。您还可以通过收听最新一期的ENBLE Show获得更多见解。

💡 iOS 17.4即将到来:欧盟用户的重大改变

iOS 17

为iOS 17.4做好准备,这将为App Store、Safari等针对欧盟(EU)用户的特定用户带来一系列改变。这些变化是为了应对数字市场法规下的新法规。

📜 查看苹果的完整版本说明 想知道iOS 17.4还有什么新功能适用于您的iPhone吗?在苹果的完整版本说明中找到所有的详情。预计这次更新将在3月6日或之前发布,这是遵守数字市场法规的最后期限。

🔒 增强用户安全和抗议苹果已经采取了广泛的措施来解决这些变化引发的用户安全担忧。他们已经做出了超出保障安全环境的努力。然而,Spotify、Epic Games等其他行业参与者认为这些修改未能与法案最初的意图保持一致。为了理解苹果的观点和公司的抗议,您可以深入了解苹果提供的深度探讨,以及阅读MacPaw提出的方案。

📱 iOS 18:您的iPhone兼容之旅

iOS 18 Roundup Article

对于所有iPhone用户来说,这是令人兴奋的消息!Twitter上的可靠消息源最近披露了iOS 18和iPadOS 18的所谓兼容性细节。想知道您的iPhone是否在列表中吗?我们为您提供了答案。查看支持iOS 18的传闻iPhone型号的完整列表,以及支持iPadOS 18的预期iPad型号。这两个软件更新预计将在6月举行的苹果全球开发者大会(WWDC)上揭晓。

🛠️ 苹果将DIY维修计划扩展到M3 Macs

apple self service macbook 1600

苹果最近在美国和欧洲扩大了其自助维修计划的范围,包括M3 Macs在内。这意味着拥有14英寸MacBook Pro、16英寸MacBook Pro以及配备M3、M3 Pro和M3 Max芯片各种iMac型号的客户现在可以从苹果获取零件、工具和手册来尝试自己维修。尽管苹果仍建议大多数客户访问苹果店或授权维修商店,但此举使懂技术的个人能够自行处理问题。


🏠 HomePod 2025: An Evolution in Smart Speaker Technology


Apple is always aiming for innovation and improvement. According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, Apple is still in the works for a new HomePod speaker featuring an “iPad-like display.” However, don’t hold your breath just yet, as the anticipated launch is not expected until 2025 or later. Additionally, there have been talks of a multi-functional device that combines an Apple TV, HomePod, and FaceTime camera, along with iPad-like smart displays that can be magnetically attached to household walls.

🍌 FineWoven iPhone Cases Turning Brown?

finewoven case stern

In an effort to move away from traditional leather accessories, Apple introduced a new fabric material called FineWoven for iPhone cases. However, users are turning sour as these cases have received criticism for quality issues. The Wall Street Journal’s Joanna Stern hilariously compared her case to a “rotten banana” due to its alarming discoloration after only five months of use. Apple might need to go back to the drawing board for this one!

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🔗 References:Detailed Recap of the Apple Car’s HistoryLatest Episode of The ENBLE ShowFull Release Notes for iOS 17.4Apple’s Deep Dive into User SafetyMacPaw’s Plans for an iPhone App Store AlternativeRumored iPhone Models Compatible with iOS 18Rumored iPad Models Compatible with iPadOS 18More Information on Apple’s DIY Repair Program

What are your thoughts on Apple’s sudden decision to cancel the electric car project? Will you try your hand at repairing your M3 Mac with Apple’s DIY repair program? And don’t forget to share your experiences with FineWoven iPhone cases, rotten bananas or not! Let’s discuss in the comments below! 🗣️💬

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