苹果视网膜 Pro:自发开裂及其他怪癖 🕶️

苹果Vision Pro是一款先进的混合现实头盔


5 Apple Vision Pro issues Reports of spontaneous cracking and more continue to increase.

The Apple Vision Pro, Apple’s newest entry into the world of mixed reality, made quite the splash when it hit store shelves on February 2nd. Priced at a whopping $3,500, it immediately sparked both excitement and criticism. Now, several weeks later, early adopters are starting to share their experiences, and it’s not all roses and rainbows. Some Vision Pro owners are reporting spontaneous cracking in their headsets. 😱

🕶️ Vision Pro Faces “Spontaneous Cracking” Claims

The first Reddit report about spontaneous cracking came just three days after the Vision Pro launch. A baffled Reddit user named Wohinbistdu shared their experience: “For the last 3 days, I have never used my Vision Pro outside of my bed, and whenever I am not using it, I always have the soft outer cover on, and the unit has never been dropped or anything like that. I just noticed the crack last night. I wonder what caused the crack, and whether it’s a manufacturing defect or not.” 😮

Since then, several other Vision Pro owners have come forward with similar issues. What’s interesting is that the cracks are appearing in the exact same spot – from the top (hairline) to the bottom of the headset (nose bridge). It’s worth noting that the crack seems to follow the contour of the Vision Pro’s curvy design. 😮

ENBLE, a tech enthusiast site, also claims that their Apple Vision Pro unit has developed a crack in the middle. But let’s keep in mind that these reports represent a small sample size of the Vision Pro’s customer base. It’s still unclear whether this issue is widespread or confined to a few unfortunate cases.

❗ 4 More Common Issues Among Vision Pro Owners

Apart from spontaneous cracking, there are a few other recurring problems that have been reported by Vision Pro owners. One of the most common is issues with sound. Redditors have complained that the speaker band stops working if the device is charged overnight. It seems like some gremlins are wreaking havoc with the audio. 🧟‍♀️

Another gripe among users is eye tracking. Some Vision Pro owners have noticed that the device consistently eye-tracks them slightly lower than expected, which, let’s be honest, can be quite disconcerting. Poor low-light performance also seems to be a common complaint. It’s more difficult to track your inputs in a dark room, and let’s face it, most people don’t use mixed reality headsets in broad daylight. Lastly, glare issues have been reported as well. But come on, who doesn’t want a little extra shine in their lives? ✨

Now, it’s essential to remember that these issues might not be widespread, and these reports come from a specific subset of Vision Pro owners. But hey, let’s cut Apple some slack here. This is their maiden voyage into the realm of mixed reality hardware, so a few first-generation quirks are expected. As we mentioned in our review roundup, many hailed the Vision Pro as the best head-mounted display on the market. So, it’s not all doom and gloom!

🌟 What Lies Ahead for Apple Vision Pro?

The spontaneous cracking issue raises questions about the long-term durability of the Vision Pro. Will Apple address this problem promptly and offer replacements or repairs for affected units? It remains to be seen how Apple handles this potential snag in their mixed reality journey. But, as technology improves and lessons are learned, we can expect future iterations of the Vision Pro to be even more impressive and practically flawless. 🚀

With the Vision Pro, Apple has boldly ventured into a new product category, VR/AR headsets. They’ve staked a claim on the mixed reality landscape and are bound to face some challenges along the way. But they’re not alone. Other companies like Meta (formerly Facebook) and Sony have also dived into the immersive world of mixed reality. It’s an exciting time for this technology, and the future promises many captivating possibilities.

📚 Reference List:

  1. Apple Vision Pro: 3 features it shares with Meta Quest 3 that may shock you
  2. Eve launched the world’s first Matter-over-Thread smart outlet. Here’s what you need to know
  3. MacRumors giveaway: Win a 13-inch M2 MacBook Air from Grid Studio
  4. Apple appeals ban on Apple Watch Series 9 Ultra
  5. Sony’s Mixed-Reality Headset for Spatial Content Creation Arrives Later, This Year


💡问答:关于苹果 Vision Pro 的常见问题

1. Vision Pro 头戴式耳机都容易自发开裂吗? Vision Pro 头戴式耳机自发开裂的报告并不普遍,但确实引起了关注。需要注意的是,这些报告来自一小部分用户。然而,如果您对 Vision Pro 有任何问题,建议及时联系苹果客户支持以获得进一步协助。

2. 开裂问题在保修范围内吗? 苹果的保修通常覆盖制造缺陷,但最好咨询苹果客户支持或参考专门针对 Vision Pro 的保修条款以了解确切范围。如果您的耳机出现自发开裂,请联系苹果客户支持寻求帮助。

3. 苹果有计划解决已报道的问题吗? 苹果尚未正式处理自发开裂问题或其他已报道的问题。然而,作为珍视客户的公司,苹果很可能正在积极调查问题并努力寻求解决方案。请关注苹果的支持渠道以获取任何官方公告或更新。

4. 我应该等待 Vision Pro 的下一代产品吗? 如果您渴望探索混合现实世界,当前的 Vision Pro 产品系列可能仍会提供出色体验,尽管存在一些小问题。然而,如果您担心潜在问题并希望确保更完善的产品,等待下一代可能是明智的选择。未来版本很可能会从首次发布中获得的改进和经验教训中受益。

亲爱的读者们,现在轮到你们了。您尝试过苹果 Vision Pro 吗?您对已报道的问题有什么看法?欢迎在下方评论区与我们分享您的经验和观点!别忘了在社交媒体上与朋友分享本文。让我们继续交流!🌟
