


6 个月前禁止 Airbnb 后,新泽西繁荣发展


六个月前,纽约市实施了一项针对 Airbnb 等平台的短期租赁禁令。这项政策背后的意图是为长期居民开放公寓,而不是给过境游客。然而,这项禁令产生了意外后果,令小规模主人感到沮丧,并导致大量游客跨过河流前往新泽西[^1^]。在本文中,我们将探讨这项禁令的影响,并深入探讨它对纽约市和其他考虑类似法规的城市的影响。


当禁令于9月实施时,约有 15,000 个短期租赁从 Airbnb 网站上消失了[^1^]。这包括将列表转换为更长时间的住宿以符合新规定。根据 Inside Airbnb 表示,截至2月,现在可供选择的列表少于 5,000 个[^1^]。这些数字反映了禁令对纽约市短期租赁市场的影响。


随着纽约市应对其短期租赁禁令,全球其他城市正密切观察其结果。由于 Airbnb 等平台带来的游客涌入和社区景观的变化,许多城市正在考虑制定自己的法规[^1^]。如果纽约市成功解决短期租赁引起的问题,它可能成为其他面临类似挑战的城市的典范。




许多小房主发现短期租赁是解决长期租户带来的挑战的一种办法。在 Airbnb 等平台上出租他们的公寓使他们能够在不承担全职租户的责任和风险的情况下获得额外收入[^1^]。然而,这项禁令使他们面临着不断上涨的住房成本,并没有立即解决方案来抵消它们。禁令的意外后果伤害了较小的房主,并对他们的财务稳定性构成了挑战[^1^]。




限制短期租赁被视为纽约市住房危机的潜在解决方案。但是,对租金价格的影响尚不明显。租金水平仍然较高,超过一半的纽约家庭被认为承受租金负担,他们在住房上花费超过收入的 30%[^1^]。虽然可能需要时间来观察禁令的全部影响,但加州尔湾进行的一项研究发现,该州的住宅区禁止短期租赁后两年后仅减少了 3% 的租金[^1^]。


尽管禁令旨在取缔短期租赁,但其执行并不周全[^1^]。被禁止使用 Airbnb 和类似平台的人们转向像 Craigslist、Facebook Marketplace 和其他共享住宅网站等替代途径来列出他们的公寓[^1^]。城市仍在努力符合要求,尚未开出罚单,但正在积极应对违法出租的投诉[^1^]。随着这些替代平台的崛起,禁令的有效性仍然存在疑问。


Airbnb’s Response: Advocacy for Change

Airbnb opposed the ban from the very beginning and even sued the city prior to its implementation. The case was dismissed, but Airbnb continues to maintain its opposition to the regulations[^1^]. The company argues that the ban has not led to any improvement in housing costs and has instead resulted in travelers facing record hotel prices and former hosts struggling with income loss[^1^]. Airbnb hopes that city leaders will listen to the concerns of hosts and consider making changes to the existing rules.

The Path Forward: Advocacy for Small Homeowners

While some find themselves at odds with the ban, others see an opportunity for amendments to be made. Advocacy groups, like the New York Homeowners Alliance Corp, are working to ensure that smaller hosts are not unfairly grouped with large-scale investors[^1^]. These groups are pushing for changes to the law that will allow small homeowners to continue operating short-term rentals while contributing to their financial stability.

Conclusion: Balancing Regulations and Housing Needs

The ban on short-term rentals in New York City has certainly had its share of unintended consequences. From frustrated small homeowners to a surge in demand across the river in New Jersey, the ban has reshaped the hospitality landscape. As cities around the world grapple with similar issues, the success of New York City’s regulations will serve as a test case[^1^]. Balancing the needs of long-term residents and the economic benefits of tourism presents a complex challenge that demands thoughtful and effective solutions.

Q&A: Addressing Additional Topics

Q1: How do the short-term rental regulations in New York City compare to those in other major cities?

Each city tackles the issue of short-term rentals differently, depending on its specific needs and circumstances. New York City’s regulations prioritized the purpose of freeing up housing for long-term residents by imposing strict limitations and penalties. However, other cities have adopted alternative approaches. For example, in cities like San Francisco and Barcelona, restrictions on short-term rentals have focused on limiting the number of days a property can be rented out each year. The specific regulations vary, but the goal is often to strike a balance between the economic benefits of tourism and maintaining a stable housing market[^3^].

Q2: Are there any alternative platforms similar to Airbnb that have emerged in response to the ban?

Indeed, the ban on Airbnb and other home-sharing platforms has led to the emergence of alternative platforms and methods for short-term rentals. Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and sites like Houfy have seen a rise in listings as former hosts seek new avenues to offer their accommodations[^1^]. However, these platforms may bring their own set of challenges, including difficulties in enforcement and regulations. The battle between regulators and rental platforms continues to evolve as both sides adapt to changing circumstances[^8^].

The Future of Short-Term Rentals: Insights and Analysis

The impact of New York City’s short-term rental ban extends beyond the immediate consequences. It serves as a litmus test for cities aiming to strike a balance between the interests of tourists and the stability of their housing markets. As new regulations are implemented and adjusted, important considerations arise, such as:

  1. Regulatory effectiveness: The patchy enforcement of the ban and the rise of alternative platforms highlight the challenges authorities face in regulating the short-term rental market. Striking a balance between effective enforcement and the ability for homeowners to benefit from short-term rentals remains a key challenge for regulators.

  2. Economic impact: The ban has created winners and losers in the hospitality industry. Hotels in New York City have experienced increased occupancy rates and improved daily room rates, while neighboring cities like Jersey City have seen a surge in demand for short-term rentals. Balancing the benefits to hotels and smaller homeowners while addressing housing concerns remains crucial.

  3. Long-term affordability: While the ban aimed to address the issue of affordable housing, its immediate impact on rent prices has yet to be significant. Future analysis will provide insights into the long-term effects on housing affordability. Case studies, such as the one in Irvine, California, where a similar ban has been in place for two years, will be informative in understanding the potential impact on rents.

  4. Platform evolution: The emergence of alternative platforms and the ongoing battle between rental platforms and regulators indicate that the short-term rental market is continually evolving. As new platforms emerge and regulatory landscapes shift, it is essential to monitor how these changes will shape the future of the industry.




  1. 纽约的Airbnb禁令引导游客涌向新泽西
  2. Inside Airbnb
  3. Airbnb规定在全球各地有何不同?
  4. 纽约市空置住宅与房屋所有权调查
  5. 租赁市场报告:曼哈顿和布鲁克林
  6. 租赁市场报告:布鲁克林和皇后区
  7. 合租和短期租赁:景观分析
  8. Airbnb后共享经济的未来


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