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Coinbase CEO Advocates for Bitcoin as a Financial Discipline Tool


Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong recently took to Twitter to express his belief that Bitcoin (BTC) could serve as a financial discipline tool in response to the United States’ deficit spending. Drawing comparisons to the fiscal restraint of the gold standard era, Armstrong sees Bitcoin as a possible solution to the ongoing expansion of the national debt.

A Growing Issue

Robert Sterling, CFO of 20 Dollar Consulting, explains that the increase in the United States’ national debt started accelerating during the George W. Bush administration and has continued to surge ever since. Various factors, including military spending, tax cuts, the 2008 Great Recession, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic, have further exacerbated the situation. Armstrong, recognizing this trend, believes that Bitcoin could offer a way out.

Bitcoin: The New Gold Standard?

Armstrong suggests that Bitcoin represents a return to the financial landscape prior to 1971 when the Nixon administration abolished the gold standard, an event commonly referred to as the “Nixon shock.” According to the Coinbase CEO, the inability of financial institutions to issue more Bitcoin at their discretion creates a sense of “financial discipline.”

Armstrong goes on to propose that Bitcoin could act as a counterbalance to what he perceives as excessive deficit spending by the United States administration. He further asserts that Bitcoin has the potential to keep the United States dollar strong. However, it remains unclear how exactly Bitcoin would strengthen the dollar or serve as a check on deficit spending. Eric Voorhees, the CEO of instant crypto exchange ShapeShift, shares this confusion and questions the feasibility of Armstrong’s claims.

Questions and Answers

Q: How would Bitcoin strengthen the United States dollar?

A: While Armstrong suggests that Bitcoin can potentially strengthen the dollar, the exact mechanism behind this remains unclear. Further explanations or evidence are needed to support this claim.

Q: Can Bitcoin keep public spending in check?

A: Eric Voorhees believes that, in the long term, Bitcoin could play a role in curbing public spending. However, this scenario is contingent upon fiat currency becoming obsolete, which contrasts with Armstrong’s suggestion that Bitcoin could actively strengthen the United States dollar.

Recent Developments

The ongoing debate coincides with the recent news that El Salvador, the world’s first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, has seen $84 million in gains from its Bitcoin holdings. Additionally, the country is working on launching “Volcano Bonds” backed by Bitcoin. These developments further highlight the growing role of Bitcoin on a global scale.

The Future of Bitcoin

As Bitcoin continues to gain momentum, it will be interesting to see how its relationship with national economies evolves. While Armstrong’s advocacy for Bitcoin as a financial discipline tool raises valid points, more detailed explanations are needed to fully grasp the potential impact on deficit spending and the strength of the United States dollar.


  1. Brian Armstrong’s Tweet
  2. Erik Voorhees’ Tweet
  3. Nixon Shock
  4. El Salvador’s Bitcoin Gains
  5. El Salvador’s “Volcano Bonds”

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