《CES 2024 引人注目的辅助性产品🚀💻》


我们在CES 2024上关注的顶级辅助产品创新

在CES上我们看到的大部分内容往往都集中在技术创新本身,或者明显试图迎合当年引发互联网热潮的趋势。然而,在过去几届展会上,我们能够看到人们对于协助性产品的关注逐渐增加,这些产品旨在帮助残障人士和其他不同需求的人们改善生活质量。在CES 2024上,我很高兴看到辅助性产品类别的更多发展,许多产品不仅设计更加周到,而且也很聪明。在CES上闪闪发光、吸引眼球的新奇技术很容易分散注意力,但我想花时间特别关注一些我在拉斯维加斯喜爱的辅助性产品。

Gyro手套:手部稳定的超级英雄 👋


但是我在展示摊位上与一位帕金森病患者进行了交谈,他已经戴了几天了。她说Gyro手套帮助她更轻松地完成像系扣子一样的任务,并且她打算为自己购买一款。这款设备定价为5,899美元,这是现在协助性产品的可悲现状。但是Gyro手套的制造商表示他们正在与美国的一些保险提供商进行洽谈,这可能会使那些需要这款产品的美国人能够获得报销。这是我们将Gyro手套评选为CES 2024胜利者的最大原因之一。🎉


MouthPad: 舌头操控的杰作 😛

在CES 2024上,我没想到自己会深入检查一个人的口腔和鼻子,但事实就是这样。有时你不得不做些奇怪的事情来体验非传统的小工具。MouthPad就是其中最不寻常的之一。它是一款用舌头操作的用于手机、平板和笔记本电脑等接受蓝牙鼠标输入的控制器。组件包括一个安装在口腔板上的触摸板,以及一个电池和蓝牙无线电。


OrCam Hear: 过滤噪音和放大声音 🎧

辅助技术公司OrCam曾在2022年获得我们的CES可访问性奖,因此我渴望看看他们今年的展示。我没有失望。该公司展示了一些更新的产品,但最引人注目的是针对听力损失人士的一款新产品。OrCam Hear系统由一对耳机、一个手机插头和一个应用程序组成。不同的部分共同工作,过滤掉背景噪音,同时识别和隔离多方对话中的特定发言者。

在CES 2024的一个嘈杂活动的演示会上,我观察并倾听着周围指定人的声音在我的听力范围内变得清晰或模糊,当公司代表在屏幕上拖动他们的图标时。当系统能够识别到我旁边的编辑并让我选择关注或过滤掉他的声音时,我尤其印象深刻。 🎧


Audio Radar: Seeing the Sound 📝🎥

If you’re a gamer, you’ll know how important audio cues can sometimes be for a successful run. Developers frequently design the sound environment for their games to be not only rich and immersive, but to also contain hints about approaching enemies or danger. Players who are hard of hearing can miss out on this, and it’s not fair for them to be disadvantaged due to a disability.

A product called Audio Radar can help turn sound signals into visual cues, so that gamers with hearing loss can “see the sound,” according to the company. The setup is fairly simple. A box plugs into a gaming console to interpret the audio output and convert it into lights. A series of RGB light bars surround the screen and display different colors depending on the type of sound coming from the respective direction they represent.

CES 2024 saw not just Audio Radar’s official launch, but was also where the company introduced its SDK for game developers to create custom visual cues for players who are hard of hearing. The company’s founder and CEO Tim Murphy told ENBLE that it’s partnering with Logitech, with the gaming accessory maker “providing support as we further develop our product and design our go-to-market strategy.” 📝🌈

A person using Audio Radar to “see the sound”

Transcribe Glass: Google Glass Reimagined 🧐👓👓

Google Glass was resurrected at CES 2024. Sort of. A new product called Transcribe Glass is a small heads-up display you can attach to any frames, and the result looks a lot like the long-dead Google device. It connects to your phone and uses that device’s onboard processing to transcribe what it hears, then projects the text onto the tiny transparent display hovering above the eye. You’ll be able to resize the font, adjust the scrolling speed, and choose your language model of choice since Transcribe Glass uses third-party APIs for translation. Yes, it converts foreign languages into one you understand, too.

The company is targeting year’s end for launch and hoping to offer the device at $199 to start. When I tried it on at the show floor, I was surprised by how light and adjustable the hardware was. I had to squint slightly to see the captions, and was encountering some Bluetooth lag, but otherwise, the transcriptions took place fairly quickly and appeared to be accurate. The Transcribe Glass should last about eight hours on a charge, which seems reasonable given all that it’s doing. 🧐👓👓🗨

Samsung’s Subtitle Accessibility Features 📺🎥

Though we didn’t catch a demo of this in person, Samsung did briefly mention a “sign language feature in Samsung Neo QLED” that “can be easily controlled with gestures for the hearing impaired, and an Audio Subtitle feature [that] turns text subtitles into spoken words in real-time for those with low vision.” We weren’t able to find this at the show, but the concept is certainly meaningful. Plus, the fact that Samsung TVs have mainstream appeal means these features could be more widely available than most of the niche products we’ve covered in this roundup. 📺🤗✨


  1. Enble – CES 2024 Live: Latest Tech, Weird Gadgets, Best CES Awards
  2. Enble – MouthPad Turns Your Tongue into a Mouse for Phones
  3. Enble – CES 2024 Day 2 Recap: Wild Rabbit Gadget Appears, Google Offers Take on Apple Software Tricks
  4. Enble – Serenity Takes A “Fullhome Radar” Approach to Fall Detection (TechCrunch)
  5. Enble – Google Bard Advanced Coming, Likely Free
  6. Enble – X Briefly Brought Back Headlines and Link Previews. And Now They’re Gone (TechCrunch)


