“📸 揭开凯特·米德尔顿照片丑闻背后的秘密:当 Photoshop 遇上皇室 🤳💥”




🌍 Instagram的震撼



好奇心被激起,你点击了警告,发现了一条来自Instagram的消息,上面写着:“独立事实核查人员表示,照片或图像已被编辑,可能会误导人们,但并非因为它被脱离了上下文。”他们将这条信息归功于一位名为EFE Verifica的事实核查人员。

🤔 你可能会想知道为什么Instagram选择标记某些编辑过的照片而不选择其他照片。卡戴珊家族的照片难道就豁免于这样的审查?不幸的是,Instagram尚未回应有关他们选择流程的询问。

💡 专业提示:影响者和名人经常使用Photoshop,滤镜和编辑工具来修改他们的照片。但区别似乎在于将编辑过的照片呈现为新闻价值,后来再由最初分享它们的机构撤回。

👑 进入汽车照片争议

在编辑过的家庭照片风波尚未平息时,公主的另一张照片受到了质疑。这一次,是一张威尔士王储和王妃在一辆路虎车内的图片。负责这张照片的图片机构Goff Photos发布了一份声明,坚称他们只对这张照片进行了轻微调整。

根据Today.com的报道,Goff Photos表示,“威尔士王储和王妃在路虎车后座的图像已经被裁剪和点亮,”但强调没有进行任何篡改。然而,在线侦探们仍然发现了理由质疑这张照片,比如出现了一堵砖墙凯特的头发看起来像是从以前的一张照片编辑过来的。


💡 专业提示:虽然家庭照片因其明显的编辑而引起注意,但由于已有怀疑和难以辨认细节,路虎车照片受到了质疑。Goff Photos感到有必要发布一份声明来解决这些问题。

📊 被篡改图像的新世界


🔍 发现编辑过的照片已经成为一项相当大的挑战,但是有方法可以区分真实图像和篡改图像。篡改的明显迹象包括淡化的头发丝,衣服上奇怪的线条异常变化,甚至像拉链这样的物品在颜色和外观上出现不自然的变化。

📸 像三星这样的公司正在通过在其Galaxy S24上使用AI篡改过的照片中嵌入元数据和水印来应对这一问题。同样,由AI生成的图像通常会出现手指或牙齿数量不正确,尽管技术不断改进。

👉 实际上,新创企业正在兴起,开发识别篡改和真实图像的方法,而像Adobe这样的公司正在投资于可以确认图像真实性的技术。

💡 专业提示:辨别篡改图像变得越来越具有挑战性,但技术正在进步,以恢复我们对照片真实性的信心。公司正在推动建立标准以区分真实和伪造的图像。


📱 AI-Powered Editing Tools: More Than Just Photoshop

Photo editing isn’t just about Photoshop and filters anymore. AI-powered editing tools have brought remarkable capabilities to our smartphones. Photoshop itself has integrated AI-powered features, with generative fill allowing you to imagine what lies beyond an image’s borders and effectively zoom out.

💥 AI tools are also being designed to help individuals edit photos more effectively, allowing you to focus on specific elements and transform them into cute stickers to share with friends.

📷 High Dynamic Range (HDR) has also become a standard feature in mobile phone cameras, capturing high-contrast scenes by combining multiple images of varying brightness.

🔮 Meanwhile, Google’s Magic Eraser photo tool can effortlessly remove strangers from your pictures with just a few taps, and Apple’s new iPhone 15 Pro boasts the ability to change the focal point of a portrait photo even after being taken.

💡 Pro Tip: Gone are the days when only professionals could create awe-inspiring edited images. AI-driven editing tools are making it easier for everyone to enhance their photos and unleash their creativity.

💥 The Changing Political Landscape

While AI can revolutionize photo editing, it also has a dark side when it comes to politics. Companies like OpenAI, Google, and Facebook have raised the bar for generating ultra-realistic videos that portray nonexistent scenarios. Misinformation campaigns have weaponized these tools for creating fake explicit content and manufacturing fake political endorsements.

In response to these developments, President Joe Biden recently asked Congress to “ban voice impersonation using AI.” These calls for action have stirred debates about the future role and regulation of AI-generated content.

💡 Pro Tip: While AI-generated content can blur the line between reality and fabrication, it’s vital to approach such content with skepticism. The New Hampshire example serves as a stark reminder of the dangers associated with AI-generated voice impersonations.

✨ The Unending Reign of AI in Images

Middleton’s Photoshop controversy is likely just the tip of the iceberg. As AI integration into image editing continues to expand rapidly, spotting manipulated photos may become increasingly challenging.

Stephen Shankland expressed the need for skepticism in today’s digital age, particularly when viewing emotionally charged social media photos. On the bright side, technology is emerging that can enhance trust within photos of significant importance, such as those used for insurance claims or published by news media.

💡 Pro Tip: While the world of photo manipulation is evolving, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and question the authenticity of the images we encounter. Technology is aiming to restore trust, but a critical eye is still the best defense against manipulated photos.

🔗 Reference List:

  1. The Instagram Royal Family: Instagram Account
  2. When Manipulated Photos Reach the News: Goff Photos Statement
  3. AI Tools for Detecting Manipulated Images: AI or Not AI: Can You Spot the Real Photos?
  4. AI-Powered Editing Tools: 20+ Amazing AI-Powered Tools Transforming Photo Editing
  5. The Dark Side of AI in Politics: Misleading Politics: AI and Politics Collide
  6. Emerging Technology for Authenticating Images: Adobe’s Authentication Techniques
  7. Debating the Future of AI: The AI Conundrum: Ban or Regulate
  8. AI in Image Editing: The Future of AI in Image Editing

🗣️ Let’s Keep the Conversation Going!

What are your thoughts on the Kate Middleton photo scandal? Have you ever encountered manipulated images on social media? Share your experiences and join the discussion! Don’t forget to share this article on your favorite social media platforms to enlighten your friends about the intriguing world of AI and photo editing! 💬📢
