“CommandBar 以极简的演示文稿筹得 480 万美元:我们来解析一下!”


分析 CommandBar 的 480 万美元播种封面,由 ENBLE 进行的 Pitch Deck 拆解。

CommandBar 是一款旨在简化软件使用的 B2B 工具,最近通过一份极为简约的封面成功完成了价值为 480 万美元的融资轮。尽管缺乏重要信息,备受推崇的投资者 Thrive Capital 和 Y Combinator 仍然急于参与其中。受 CommandBar 封面独特性的启发,我们有兴趣继续解剖更多类似的封面。如果您有一份,可以提交给我们进行分析。以下是具体步骤。


让我们首先查看 CommandBar 封面的结构。它由以下七张幻灯片组成:

  1. 封面幻灯片
  2. 产品幻灯片
  3. 演示幻灯片(附有 Loom 演示链接)
  4. 论点幻灯片
  5. 问题/竞争格局幻灯片
  6. 价值主张幻灯片
  7. 团队幻灯片


尽管简洁,CommandBar 的封面提出了一些值得关注的创新点:

1. 信息设计胜过图形设计

在早期阶段的封面中,设计通常被过分强调,而实际上内容和清晰度更为重要。初创公司应该专注于信息设计——确保内容易于消化和阅读——而不是图形设计。投资者注重实质而非风格,寻找具有强大市场潜力和有能力团队的引人注目的商业理念。通过放弃过多设计,CommandBar 呈现了一套简约但易于理解的幻灯片。有时候,少即是多!

2. 问题和竞争格局的优雅结合

CommandBar 采取了一种新颖的方法,将其问题和竞争格局幻灯片合并在一起——这在封面中很少见。尽管呈现出实用主义的设计,但这种合并加强了展示效果,展示了公司对市场的深刻理解以及其解决方案的独特价值。有趣的是,通过例举具有令人印象深刻估值的主要参与者,CommandBar 展示了自己能够应对庞大市场的能力。尽管封面没有专门的市场规模幻灯片,但我们估计 CommandBar 至少瞄准了一个 130 亿美元的市场。的确不错!

3. 简约

解释初创公司的目的和目标受众有时可能变得过于复杂。然而,投资者在初步审查初创公司时并不需要过于详细的描述。CommandBar 的第二张幻灯片巧妙地处理了这种可能的复杂性,简明扼要地呈现了以下要点:

  • What:CommandBar 是一个用于与软件交互的基于搜索的界面。
  • How:该工具使 Web 应用程序能够配置命令栏。
  • Why:CommandBar 提升公司的用户体验(UX)。

向 CommandBar 致敬,他们的清晰度凸显了他们对解决方案目的的深刻理解。


尽管具有创新性,CommandBar 的封面仍存在一些不足之处:

1. 难以捉摸的团队幻灯片

团队幻灯片通常被认为是封面中最关键的幻灯片,但未能展示 CommandBar 的创始人。尽管来自普林斯顿大学的教育背景以及他们在麦肯锡、贝恩资本和 AngelList 等知名组织的前任经验确实令人印象深刻,但这张幻灯片缺乏突出显示这个创始团队为何是领导公司的最佳选择的关键信息。为了真正具有吸引力,这张幻灯片应突出团队的专业知识、联系或任何其他赋予竞争优势的因素。

2. 缺失信息

CommandBar 的封面缺少评估风险资本潜力所必需的几个关键要素。重要的缺失组件包括:

  • 市场规模估计
  • 资金使用请求或意图
  • 财务计划和商业模式
  • 上市策略
  • 明确的定价和单元经济
  • 明确定义的目标客户和潜在的可防御性
  • 为公司创建时间的理由

所有这些缺失的要素使评估 CommandBar 作为风险资本规模初创公司的可行性变得具有挑战性。我们的人工智能驱动的封面工具将 CommandBar 获得融资的几率评分为 16.9%,凸显了包含这些重要细节的重要性。


3. The Need for Traction

CommandBar’s deck fails to present any significant traction metrics, a notable omission. Even in the absence of revenue, startups should demonstrate some progress in de-risking their business. Including relevant metrics and graphs that showcase the company’s momentum can bolster its appeal to investors. Remember, fundraising stages are primarily about risk rather than dollar values.

What Really Happened?

It’s plausible that CommandBar secured their funding round without a deck altogether, with investors already well-acquainted with the company and its founders. Perhaps there was a prior investment relationship or a compelling demo during their participation in Y Combinator. Seeking clarity, we reached out to CommandBar’s CEO and co-founder, James Evans.

Evans shared an interesting perspective on their approach. He explained that before creating their seed deck, the team established principles and considered their project memo; a document outlining the reasons why they, as intelligent individuals with various alternatives, should invest a decade or more of their sweat and tears into this company. For CommandBar, conveying this message convincingly was the key to attracting capital without dwelling on traditional deck creation.

While CommandBar may or may not be raising another round of funding (shhhh), it did secure its subsequent round without a deck, employing an unconventional process. The team’s clear thinking, ambitious goals, and a product loved by customers played a significant role in leading a successful Series A round. Notably, early customer traction with prestigious companies added to their appeal.

The Complete Pitch Deck

If you’re interested in having your own pitch deck featured on ENBLE, you can find more information on our website. Additionally, you can explore all our Pitch Deck Teardowns, conveniently aggregated in one place.


Q: How important is design in an early-stage pitch deck?

A: Design is less crucial than many believe when it comes to early-stage pitch decks. While aesthetics are nice, the primary focus should be on the content and its clarity. Investors are primarily interested in the startup’s potential, market viability, and the team’s capabilities.

Q: What are the essential components of a team slide in a pitch deck?

A: The team slide should highlight the founding team’s deep experience, relevant connections, or any unique attributes that give the startup a competitive edge. Investors need to understand why this particular team is best-suited to lead the company.

Q: What information is essential in a pitch deck to demonstrate venture-scale potential?

A: A pitch deck should include vital information such as market size estimates, requested or intended use of funds, a financial plan, a business model, a go-to-market strategy, pricing, unit economics, target customers, potential defensibility, and a justification for the timing of the company’s creation.

Q: How important is traction in a pitch deck?

A: Traction is crucial as it demonstrates that the startup has made progress in de-risking its business. Even if there is no revenue, showcasing traction through metrics and graphs enhances the startup’s appeal to investors.

Q: What can startups do to create a compelling pitch deck without extensive design resources?

A: Startups can focus on information design rather than graphic design, ensuring that the content is easily understood and visually appealing. Spending excessive time and money on pitch deck design might not be the best allocation of limited resources. Instead, prioritize validating the business idea, conducting market research, and refining the product or service.

