微软有超过一百万付费的Github Copilot用户:首席执行官纳德拉

微软拥有100多万付费用户的Github Copilot:首席执行官纳德拉


微软在生成式人工智能(AI)业务方面取得了巨大增长。该公司的CEO萨蒂亚·纳德拉周二晚上告诉华尔街,该公司GitHub Copilot软件的付费客户较上一季度增长了40%。

纳德拉表示: “我们在广告业务中拥有超过1百万的付费合作伙伴用户,他们来自37,000多个订购了Copilot的组织,而且此外我们在美国以外的地方也有显着的发展”

此外:GitHub 的 基于 AI 的编码助手进入公测。如何使用

据纳德拉介绍,最近添加到Copilot的Copilot Chat已经被Shopify等数码公司以及Maersk和PWC等领先的企业使用,这大大提高了他们的软件开发人员的生产力。


他还指出,微软Edge浏览器连续十个季度增长。纳德拉说: “我们在本季度推出了新的个性化答案,并支持DALL-E 3,以帮助人们获得更相关的答案并创建出非常逼真的图像。迄今已经创建了超过18亿张图像。而且,在我们的Copilot购物中,人们可以找到更贴心的推荐和更优惠的交易。



尽管纳德拉没有具体说明GitHub Copilot的收入,但微软首席财务官艾美·胡德表示,”超出预期的AI消费推动了Azure的收入增长。



其他关于Copilot和AI的应用包括通过微软的开发工具Power Platform扩展Copilot的使用。纳德拉表示: “包括3M、Equinor、Lumen Technologies、Nationwide、PG&E和丰田在内的超过12.6万个组织都使用了Copilot和Power Platform。

纳德拉指出: “超过1.8万家组织现在使用Azure OpenAI服务,其中包括新的Azure客户,我们通过OpenAI API扩大了我们在数字优先公司中的影响力,这些领先的AI初创公司使用OpenAI来提供他们的AI解决方案,从而成为Azure的客户”。

The company is adding generative AI to its LinkedIn business, including a “learning coach that gives members personalized content guidelines and tool,” rolled out last quarter. “We have seen a nearly 80% increase in members watching AI-related learning courses this quarter” on LinkedIn, said Nadella.

Also: LinkedIn just added AI-powered coaching and recruiting tools to make your job easier

Nadella also called attention to the company’s spreading of Copilot to industries, in particular, health care, where the company is integrating clinical tools into its Fabric data service on Azure. Among those tools, the DAX Copilot, used to transcribe clinical notes, is “increasing physician productivity and reducing burnout,” said Nadella.

It is still early in the roll-out of GitHub Copilot and the rest, said Nadella. “We are in the very, very early innings there, and so we look forward to seeing the traction for these products going forward,” he said. The early use of Copilot, he said, is “giving us good confidence, and our customers, more importantly, good confidence around what these products represent in terms of value.”