英伟达:AI解码 – 解锁RTX GPU的潜力



Nvidia leads in making AI user-friendly.

NVIDIA AI conceptual image with chip and data

It might feel like AI and all the advancements that come with it is a very new invention. In reality, it’s been around for many years, with NVIDIA being one of the key leaders in running AI in an accessible way. The number might surprise you, but over 100 million people can run AI locally with GeForce RTX and NVIDIA RTX GPUs — and many haven’t even really thought about what that means. It’s a concept that has gained much publicity in recent times, but it’s far from abstract as you’re using such tools every day. Keen to know what that really means for you? NVIDIA is leading the pack with its AI Decoded series. Before you get that far, let’s take a look at the power of NVIDIA and its RTX GPUs.

How does RTX provide AI?

If you’re a gamer or content creator, you probably already feel like you know a lot about NVIDIA GeForce RTX and NVIDIA GPUs. They deliver unrivaled levels of performance and are at the forefront of what can be accomplished graphically on your PC, whether you’re playing a game or editing videos.

What you may not know is that GeForce RTX and NVIDIA RTX GPUs have special AI accelerators called Tensor Cores, which significantly improve AI performance across all the most demanding programs and apps you may use throughout the day.


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Such performance is measured in what’s known as teraOPs or trillion operations per second (TOPS). The latest generation of RTX GPUs start with performance at up to nearly 200 AI TOPS while the highest-end GeForce RTX 4090 desktop GPU pumps out over 1,300 AI TOPS — and even more performance on its professional NVIDIA RTX GPUs, like the NVIDIA RTX 6000 Ada Generation GPU. Not sure what that means? Think of it as your graphics card’s horsepower and just assume that more is, well, more!

For years, NVIDIA has been implementing such technology to give you the best AI experience every day. What does all this power contribute to, though? Good question.

Am I really using AI without realizing it?

Yup! NVIDIA is an expert in producing software that’s incredibly easy and accessible to use, offering plenty of benefits through the power of AI. That means even if you don’t feel particularly knowledgeable about technology, you’re almost certainly still reaping the rewards.

An obvious example is the benefits to gamers. It’s not hard to see why a great graphics card is so useful for the avid gamers player. However, what you may not have considered is what AI does. Noticed the term DLSS? That’s what we’re talking about here. The latest version generates additional pixels with AI-powered Super Resolution and Frame Generation so you get higher frame rates than before, all at higher resolutions too. It can also enhance ray tracing with Ray Reconstruction. Games have never looked so good and it’s all thanks to the power of NVIDIA GeForce RTX GPUs and their use of AI.

Outside of gaming though, NVIDIA and its use of AI help even more than you’d imagine. There’s Chat With RTX, which is a local and personalized chatbot that is easy to use and a free download. It runs locally on your PC or workstation with the option to connect local files on your system to a supported large language model so you can quickly gain relevant answers to your queries.

When enjoying your favorite shows, RTX Video uses AI to upscale streaming video and add HDR with the feature taking just one click to enable in a Chrome browser.

If you regularly take video calls, you can benefit from NVIDIA Broadcast which has a bunch of AI features such as removing unwanted background sounds, replacing or blurring images well with edge detection, and smoothing out low-quality images so you look more professional. There’s also Auto Frame and Eye Contact so you always stay centered on screen.


视频编辑人员也从DaVinci Resolve的Magic Mask工具中受益,AI承担所有艰苦的工作,而在Adobe Premiere Pro中有Auto Reframe,它能识别和追踪视频中最相关的元素,并为不同的纵横比重新调整内容。有了NVIDIA GeForce RTX或NVIDIA RTX GPU,处理速度比CPU快四倍。如果你是一位艺术家并希望AI在那方面为你提供帮助,那就看看NVIDIA Canvas


很容易相信人工智能对你无益,要么是因为它过于复杂,要么简单地与你的需求无关。实际上,它是为了增强你的生活,而NVIDIA致力于揭秘人工智能的世界。通过其系列活动,公司正在演示如何使人工智能对我们所有人都易于访问,同时还突出RTX PC用户的新硬件、软件和其他工具。这是一个引人入胜的人工智能世界的阅读,以及如何帮助你。现在就去看看,了解更多。


Q: NVIDIA RTX如何提供人工智能性能的显著改善?

A: NVIDIA RTX GPU集成了称为张量核心的特殊AI加速器,大大增强了各种程序和应用程序中的AI性能。这些加速GPU利用了每秒兆操作或TeraOPs,提供了无与伦比的性能。AI TOPS的数量越高,性能就越强大。

Q: 除了游戏,AI如何在NVIDIA技术中使用?

A: NVIDIA技术不仅限于游戏,还以各种方式造福用户。例如,Chat With RTX提供本地化且个性化的聊天机器人体验,RTX Video提升流媒体视频质量,NVIDIA Broadcast提升视频通话体验。此外,类似于DaVinci Resolve’s Magic Mask和Adobe Premiere Pro’s Auto Reframe等由AI驱动的工具极大地加速了视频编辑流程。

Q: 我如何能更多了解关于人工智能及其在NVIDIA技术中的应用?

A: NVIDIA提供AI Decoded系列,提供人工智能易于访问和展示RTX PC用户新硬件、软件和工具的见解。这是一个更深入了解人工智能以及如何增强你日常生活的极好资源。


  1. NVIDIA AI Decoded系列
  2. NVIDIA GeForce RTX
  3. NVIDIA RTX GPU中的张量核心
  4. DLSS – NVIDIA的AI渲染技术
  5. NVIDIA Broadcast – 由AI驱动的功能

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