各位初创创始人们,ENBLE 创业战场 200 来啦!




🔥🔥 唤醒所有雄心勃勃的创业者!你们准备好迎接前所未有的战斗了吗?ENBLE正在招募200位早期创始人,他们将于10月在旧金山的ENBLE Disrupt活动中亮相创业战场200。让我告诉你们,这可不是普通的战场。这是一个造就梦想、塑造科技未来的地方!

✨✨ 2022年,创业战场扩展到包括来自全球各地的前200家公司的展示。在创业者来自35多个国家、代表25个行业和不同背景的情况下,我们2023年的阵容甚至比第一年更加强大!但是抓紧你们的帽子,因为我们的第三个年度比赛将更具竞争力!

🎉🎉 如果你有幸被从成千上万的申请中选中,你将获得大量机会。作为精英创业企业家群体的一员,你将获得完整的展会门票、独家研讨会、投资人办公时间、导师指导、培训、丰厚福利,以及在展会现场免费展示空间,为期三天。这是你们大放异彩的机会!还有什么?所有入选的创始人还将有机会在投资人和ENBLE编辑面前进行快速路演。💪💪







  • 您需要是一家早期创业公司,但嘿,我们都是从某个地方开始的,对吧?
  • 您应该拥有最小可行产品。让我们看看您的创新!
  • 您可以代表任何垂直领域。天空是极限。
  • 您可以来自任何地理位置。我们欢迎多样性!
  • 您必须在您的垂直领域是一名改变者。我们想看到那种火花!
  • 您应该是自筹资金或已获得授比例资金的公司(根据行业可能会有不同)。奋斗是真实的!

有问题?别担心。请联系[email protected]的不可思议的团队。他们将在整个过程中指导您。祝你好运,我的战士朋友!💪💪

嘿,各位了不起的公司!您有兴趣在ENBLE Disrupt 2024进行赞助或展示吗?那么,请与我们出色的赞助销售团队联系,填写此表格。我们将为您铺设红地毯!


问:ENBLE创业战场是什么? 答:ENBLE创业战场是一个高度竞争的平台,全球各地的早期创始人有机会展示他们的创新初创公司。它为创始人提供了独家的研讨会、导师指导、培训,并有机会在一流风险投资公司面前路演的机会。


Q: How can I apply for the ENBLE Startup Battlefield 200? A: Applying is a breeze! Just head over to the ENBLE website and complete the Typeform. Once you’re done, you can either continue with the application or wait for an email from ENBLE that includes a preview of the application questions. Be sure to complete the application in one go for the best chance of selection.

Q: Is there a cost to participate in the ENBLE Startup Battlefield? A: Not at all! ENBLE does not require any equity from contestants or the winners. The application and participation are 100% free.

Q: What are the benefits of being part of the ENBLE Startup Battlefield? A: If selected, you’ll receive full access to the ENBLE Disrupt show, exclusive workshops, investor office hours, mentorship, and training. You’ll also get free exhibition space on the show floor for three days. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to pitch in front of investors and ENBLE editors, with a chance to win $100,000 and the Disrupt Cup.

Q: What criteria do startups need to meet to be considered for the ENBLE Startup Battlefield? A: To be part of the ENBLE Startup Battlefield, startups should be early-stage with a minimally viable product. They can represent any industry and geography. The startups should be game-changers in their respective verticals and be either bootstrapped or have pre-scale funding (based on industry variables).

Want to learn more about the ENBLE Startup Battlefield and the exciting world of technology and innovation? Check out these links:

  1. ENBLE Disrupt
  2. Motorola Smartphone Company Beat 2024 Digital Trends
  3. Startup Battlefield 200
  4. Startup Battlefield Competition
  5. First

Don’t forget to share this article with your fellow founders and tech enthusiasts. Let’s spread the word and make this year’s ENBLE Startup Battlefield the biggest and best yet! 🚀🚀
