🚀 改善教育:微软的 Copilot 生成型人工智能服务学生

不久之后,学生们将可以使用Microsoft 365的Copilot功能,Microsoft也提供了如何使用它的建议


5种大学生可以利用微软365 Copilot,从下个月开始

Microsoft Copilot
源: Enble


最近,微软举办了全球数字事件“重新想象教育”。这一活动聚焦于技术在学校中被整合的创新方式,特别强调了生成式人工智能的热门趋势。在这次活动中,微软宣布了一个令人兴奋的消息:从4月1日开始,他们将提供Copilot for Microsoft 365,以作为高等教育机构供他们18岁及以上的学生购买的附加组件。大家快抓紧帽子,因为这将是一个改变游戏规则的事情!

现在,您可能想知道这一切是如何运作的,以及它如何使学生受益。别担心,我们已经为您准备妥当!微软提供了一个被称为Microsoft教育人工智能工具包的工具包,以及一份见解深刻的教育中的人工智能报告,帮助教育工作者和学生充分利用生成式人工智能。他们还分享了一些学生可以在Microsoft 365工作流中利用人工智能的绝妙方式。所以,话不多说,让我们来看看吧!

1. 在Microsoft Teams中不要错过任何信息

您是否觉得在Microsoft Teams中难以跟上所有聊天,课程,会议和通话的节奏?别担心,因为Copilot来拯救您了!在Microsoft Teams中使用Copilot,学生可以快速获取周围发生的所有重要讨论的摘要。这一功能使他们能够保持最新,重新查看关键信息,并轻松管理任务。此外,Copilot甚至可以帮助撰写回复,节省时间,帮助学生更有效地与同学和教师沟通他们的想法。就像在口袋里拥有个人助手一样!🤖💬

2. 在Microsoft Word中获取写作协助

撰写论文和研究报告可能是一项艰巨任务,尤其是当您遇到完全不理解的部分时。但不要担心,因为Microsoft Word中的Copilot来帮助您!虽然Copilot当然可以从头开始生成文本,但对学生来说,它的真正价值在于帮助增进理解。学生可以突出显示他们觉得具有挑战性的部分,Copilot将提供进一步见解,生成摘要,甚至将文本转换为表格等视觉元素。这还不是全部!Copilot还可以进行彻底的编辑,帮助学生提高其写作在语法,简明性等方面的水平。就像在您身边有一位支持性的写作教练一样!✍️📝

3. 在Outlook中永远不要错过邮件


4. 在Microsoft PowerPoint中创建出色的演示文稿



5. Dive into Data with Copilot in Excel

Working with spreadsheets can be overwhelming, with all those numbers and formulas to tackle. But fear not, data warriors, Copilot in Excel is here to assist you on your quest! Copilot helps close the skills gap by identifying insights, visualizing data, and answering questions. Need help sorting or filtering data? Copilot has your back! With Copilot’s assistance, you can spend less time on formatting and more time understanding the data at hand. Get ready to crunch some numbers like a pro! 📊🔢

There you have it, folks! Microsoft’s Copilot is set to revolutionize the way students learn, collaborate, and excel in their academic journeys. Now, you may still have some burning questions about generative AI and its impact on education. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back with some Q&A!

🤔 Q&A

Q: Can generative AI be used to cheat in exams? A: While generative AI has the potential to facilitate cheating, it’s more about how it’s used. Microsoft has implemented Copilot with a focus on promoting learning, understanding, and retention of material. By leveraging Copilot’s assistance, students can enhance their comprehension and communication skills, rather than resorting to cheating.

Q: Is generative AI going to replace teachers? A: Absolutely not! Generative AI is designed to be a supportive tool for students and educators. It can provide valuable insights, assist in various tasks, and optimize workflows. However, the role of teachers in guiding, mentoring, and inspiring students remains irreplaceable.

Q: How can generative AI help students with different learning styles? A: Generative AI, like Copilot, offers flexibility and adaptability, catering to different learning preferences. Whether it’s generating visual aids, providing summaries, or assisting in organizing and presenting information, generative AI can support students with diverse learning styles.

Now, you might be wondering about the future of generative AI and its impact on education. Well, we’re excited to dive into that too!

🚀 Future Developments and Impact

Generative AI, such as Microsoft’s Copilot, represents a significant leap towards a more efficient and personalized learning experience. As technology evolves, we can expect generative AI to become even smarter, providing increasingly advanced insights, suggestions, and educational assistance. The integration of AI into education has the potential to transform the way we teach and learn, unlocking new possibilities for individualized education, adaptive assessments, and global collaboration.

As we move forward, it’s crucial to navigate the evolving landscape of AI in education with awareness and responsibility. Ensuring that appropriate safeguards and ethical considerations are in place will be pivotal in harnessing the full potential of generative AI for the benefit of students and educators alike.

🔗 References

  1. Walmart debuts generative AI search and AI replenishment features at CES
  2. The best AI chatbots of 2024: ChatGPT and alternatives
  3. How ChatGPT (and other AI chatbots) can help you write an essay
  4. OpenAI robots and MWC tech lead ENBLE’s Innovation Index
  5. Make AI videos from text using Pika
  6. OpenAI signs first higher education customer, Arizona State
  7. Microsoft’s Copilot Pro: $20 monthly subscription, advanced AI features



This article was originally written by a human, but enhanced and enriched with the help of AI.
