


OpenAI responds to Elon Musk lawsuit with leaked emails

elon musk Image source: link

Elon Musk, the enigmatic CEO of Tesla, has found himself embroiled in yet another legal battle. Last Friday (March 1), Musk filed a lawsuit against OpenAI, an artificial intelligence company he helped co-found in 2015. In his lawsuit, Musk accuses OpenAI, its CEO Sam Altman, co-founder Greg Brockman, and others of violating contractual commitments made during the company’s inception.

But the plot thickens. OpenAI, backed by tech giant Microsoft, has now released what they claim to be historical email correspondence between them and Musk, aiming to refute his claims and provide their side of the story. 📧

In a recent blog post, OpenAI expands on three key points that shed light on the dispute:

🌟 1. Building AGI Requires More Resources Than Imagined

OpenAI realized that the ambitious task of developing Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) requires greater resources than initially anticipated. AGI refers to highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work. OpenAI’s mission is to ensure AGI benefits all of humanity, making it crucial to acquire the necessary resources.

🌟 2. For-Profit Entity: A Necessary Evil?

In order to obtain the required resources, OpenAI and Musk jointly recognized the need for a for-profit entity. This seemingly contradicted the original mission of OpenAI as a non-profit organization. However, the pursuit of AGI necessitated partnering with a for-profit entity to secure the necessary funding and support.

🌟 3. OpenAI’s Mission: Advancing Beneficial Tools

OpenAI’s focus lies in advancing its mission, which involves developing widely available beneficial tools. These tools are meant to empower individuals by harnessing the potential of AI. OpenAI is determined to make significant progress towards their mission, even in the face of this legal dispute.

The authors of the blog post, including CEO Sam Altman, express their sadness at the turn of events. They recount how Musk, someone they deeply admired, inspired them to aim higher, yet ultimately started a competitor and sued them when they began making meaningful progress towards OpenAI’s mission without his involvement.

Musk, ever the provocateur, responded to OpenAI’s blog post simply by telling them to “change your name” and even added a laughing face emoji 😂 in response to a witty user’s suggestion to rename OpenAI to “OpenEmail.”

But let’s dive deeper into the heart of the matter—revelations from the email correspondence between OpenAI and Musk.

The Contents of the Emails

The email chain, dating back to 2015 when OpenAI was founded, sheds light on the early days of the company and Musk’s involvement. Although he later stepped away in 2018, Musk played a crucial role in its formation. OpenAI has released these emails in an attempt to refute Musk’s claim that the company deviated from its mission as a non-profit AI watchdog.

One email purportedly from Musk suggests the need for a significant funding commitment, proposing an amount larger than the initially discussed $100 million. Musk’s email hints at the possibility of a $1 billion funding commitment to avoid appearing hopeless.

The email correspondence further uncovers discussions about the future of OpenAI. Altman reveals that Elon Musk desired majority equity, initial board control, and even expressed interest in becoming CEO. However, funding was withheld by Musk during these negotiations.

OpenAI voices their concerns in the blog post, stating that they were unable to agree on terms for a for-profit entity with Musk as they believed it went against their mission.

In one of the final emails, co-founder Ilya Sutskever clarifies further about OpenAI’s tool. The authors claim that Musk understood the mission did not require open-sourcing AGI, to which he allegedly responded with a simple “Yup.”

email correspondence Image source: link






只有时间能告诉我们这场法律纠纷将如何解决,以及对OpenAI和马斯克关于AGI愿景的未来意味着什么。但有一点可以肯定——技术、人工智能和法律纠纷的交汇就像看着一群独角兽在硅谷跳舞一样令人着迷。 🦄💃


Q1:OpenAI的使命是什么? OpenAI的使命是确保人类受益于人工通用智能(AGI)。他们的目标是构建高度自治的系统,在大部分经济价值的工作中胜过人类,同时确保技术被用于社会的改善。

Q2:OpenAI将如何获得发展AGI所需的资源? OpenAI承认开发AGI需要大量资源。为此,他们认识到需要一个营利性实体来获得为实现使命所需的资金和支持。这种做法引发了关于OpenAI原始非营利愿景与之间潜在冲突的辩论。


Q4:这场诉讼对人工智能领域会产生什么影响?OpenAI vs. 埃隆·马斯克的诉讼对整个人工智能社区有着更深远的影响。它凸显出组织在寻求发展AGI时面临的挑战,同时需要平衡盈利能力和原始使命。这场诉讼的解决可能为人工智能发展和伦理制定先例。


OpenAI vs. 埃隆·马斯克的诉讼令科技界着迷,揭示了人工智能发展的复杂性以及以盈利为导向的目标与非营利使命之间的冲突。当这些巨头争斗时,AGI的未来及其对社会的潜在影响悬而未决。




