
为什么应该使用微软的 Copilot AI 以及为什么如果你是粉丝,你应该选择 Edge 浏览器作为默认浏览器


4 个使用 Microsoft Edge 中 Copilot 的理由

Microsoft Copilot

I only use AI for one purpose… research for writing fiction. On that front, AI has helped me quite a bit (especially when needing to quickly understand a concept that I didn’t previously know about or even the etymology of a word). But that’s it.

However, when you’re writing four to six books every year, research is a key component in the process. To that end, I’ve leaned heavily into Opera’s Aria. Until a couple of weeks ago, I hadn’t even bothered with Microsoft’s Copilot. It wasn’t until I installed the Edge browser on Linux (for testing purposes) that I saw how handy Microsoft’s AI is. Even better, using Copilot with Edge has a few advantages over even what Opera’s Aria includes, and it made me think Edge could (at some point) become my default browser.

But what about using Edge with Copilot makes it special? Let me paint a picture for you.

1. 浏览器使用:效率至上 🌐

Let’s face it, you spend the majority of your computer time in a browser. Whether you’re working, playing, being social, communicating, or designing, your digital lives have become browser-centric over the last decade. Since you’re already spending that much time within a browser, why would you want to bother adding yet another application into the mix?

Seeing as how our lives are becoming busier by the day, every time we sit in front of our PCs or laptops, the goal should be working as efficiently as possible. If Copilot is your AI of choice, the most efficient means of interacting with it is Edge. It’s like having two tools in one. And because Copilot works very similar to Aria on Opera, it opens in a sidebar within the browser itself, so there are no pop-up windows to deal with and it’s always there, ready for action.

2. 选项卡的轻松互动:聊天,撰写,见解 📋

One of the things I like about how Copilot is laid out in Edge is that it gives you three tabs: Chat, Compose, and Insights. Chat is the usual query feature, where you ask questions and Copilot answers them. Compose is where you can have Copilot write about something (such as a paragraph, email, ideas, etc.).

Finally, there’s the Insights tab, where you can view trending searches. Although Insights isn’t really AI, it can be a good place to start your research and see what searches are trending on Bing. On the official Copilot site, you don’t have access to these three options.

3. 档案:适合你的选择 👤

One very handy feature found in Edge is Profiles. The reason this applies to Copilot is that you might have a profile you use that includes Copilot and one that doesn’t. For instance, if you use the same computer for both work and personal purposes, you might have a profile for work, with Copilot disabled, and a profile for personal usage with Copilot enabled.

This might seem insignificant, but if your employer doesn’t want you using AI, not having the temptation right there in front of you can make a big difference. Or maybe you don’t want your children using Copilot. For that, create a profile for your kids that doesn’t have Copilot enabled. There are plenty of reasons why you might want Microsoft’s AI enabled or disabled. With Edge, that choice is yours to make.

4. 插件:扩展可能性 💡

With Copilot on Edge, you get easy access to Plugins you can install for different conversations. At the moment, the Plugins feature is fairly limited to Search, Instacart, Kayak, Klarna, OpenTable, and Shop, but I would assume this list will continue to grow as Copilot gains traction. With a free account, you can only add up to three plugins but I would venture to say (at least at the onset), you’ll only be using the Search plugin. One thing to keep in mind is that data is shared with any company associated with a plugin you enable, so choose wisely.

How do these plugins help? For example, with the Instacart plugin, you can ask about recipes, discover the ingredients you need, and have it all delivered from local stores.





问:我可以在微软 Copilot 中使用哪些其他浏览器?

答:虽然微软 Copilot 最适合与Edge一起使用,但也可以在其他基于Chromium的浏览器如Google Chrome和Opera上使用。



问:Microsoft Copilot是免费使用的吗?

答:是的,Copilot提供有限功能免费使用。但是,也有一个名为Copilot Pro的基于订阅的服务,提供先进的人工智能功能和额外的好处。



将Microsoft Copilot的强大功能与Edge浏览器的多功能性相结合,您可以释放人工智能驱动的效率和生产力的真正潜力。通过其无缝集成、方便的选项卡布局、灵活的配置文件和不断增加的插件选项,Edge成为任何希望利用Copilot功能的人的理想伙伴。


参考资料: 1. 如何使用Copilot(以前叫Bing Chat) 2. 微软的Copilot Pro:订阅费值得吗? 3. 如何使用Copilot Pro来编写、编辑和分析您的Word文档 4. ChatGPT vs. Copilot:哪个AI聊天机器人更适合您? 5. 微软Copilot
