


AI is onto you for not being honest at the self-checkout in supermarkets!

Person checking out bananas





一项研究表明,所谓的缩水—即因商品未付款而导致的损失—在自助结账柜台上可能是传统收银台的 16 倍。😱 与此同时,BBC发表了一篇文章:“‘它并未实现’: 自助结账技术的惨败。”🤯

This checkout is policed by AI 🚔



他却相信,有解决办法—那就是由AI提供支持。雷德伍德在文章中解释说,迪堡尼克斯多夫的AI 动力软件套件,即‘Vynamic Smart Vision | Shrink Reduction’,将在降低非付款行为上产生显著影响。此技术套件与一位拿着平板电脑或手机的员工进行通讯。📲




您看,通过这个系统,从您头顶的摄像头拍下的画面。所以微笑,不要调皮。😉 雷德伍德明确表示,这款软件应该可以解决几个问题。例如:“如果扫描的条形码与商品不匹配—比如将香蕉的标签贴在威士忌瓶上—以及商品故意或无意中未被扫描。”🍌🥃


也许您会想知道,这种高空摄像头是如何检测到这些违规行为的。这款软件迅速进行了AI 动力视频分析,可以看作是一名巡逻警察低声说道:“嗯,这里有些不对劲。”🕵️‍♂️💡



And Diebold Nixdorf’s software does offer the retailer one more option: it can shut down the self-checkout machine, just like that. 💔

Will AI get it right? 🤔

It seems that the whole approach relies on the speed and accuracy of AI-powered video analysis. In which case, the process better be right or there might be some huffing and scuffling. 🤨

Yet Redwood believes his company’s software—specifically its claimed accuracy—will benefit store employees: “In cases where the customer has unknowingly made a mistake, they can provide support without directly assuming theft and thus scaring the customer off.” 😅

But what about if a customer is simply pulling a fast one? Redwood says: “In the event of an obvious attempt at fraud, security staff can intervene immediately, and employees are protected from potentially critical situations.” 😎

Personally, I’m fond of my local supermarket’s checkout staff. And at Trader Joe’s, which insists it’ll never host self-checkout machines, there’s an extra joy to be bathed in when you can chat with staff about the everyday issues of life, even if only for a moment. 😌

Still, you can’t say Diebold Nixdorf isn’t trying to make self-checkout more profitable. And in an age where many people aren’t all that interested in, well, other people, the number of customers I see paying with their phones and not even looking at a store cashier is a touch chilling. 😱

In fact, I believe Diebold Nixdorf may have nixed many of the problems retailers are facing with self-checkout. But will customers really love it? Oh, perhaps. 😄

🌟 Q&A: What Else Do You Want to Know? 🌟

  1. Are there any other solutions to address losses in self-checkout technology?
    • While AI-powered video analysis may help reduce non-payment losses, there are other solutions being explored. For example, some supermarkets are implementing weight sensors on self-checkout machines to detect if an item has been added to the bagging area. Additionally, implementing better training programs for store employees who monitor self-checkout areas can also help minimize losses.
  2. How can supermarkets build trust with customers in self-checkout technology?
    • Supermarkets can build trust by improving the accuracy and usability of self-checkout technology. Regular maintenance and calibration of machines are vital to ensure they function properly. Clear instructions, intuitive interfaces, and effective error handling can also enhance customer satisfaction. Furthermore, providing customer support within the self-checkout area, either through on-site employees or virtual assistants, can help address any concerns or issues customers may have.
  3. What are the potential future developments in self-checkout technology?
    • Self-checkout technology is likely to continue evolving in the coming years. We can expect improvements in accuracy and efficiency, thanks to advancements in AI and machine learning algorithms. Facial recognition technology may be integrated to enhance security and prevent unauthorized transactions. Additionally, mobile payment options, such as scanning barcodes with smartphones, may become more prevalent, further streamlining the self-checkout experience.

🔗 Additional Reading:

Now it’s your turn! Have you had any interesting experiences with self-checkout technology? Share your stories in the comments below and let’s start a discussion! Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and followers on social media. 😄📲
