“OpenAI与Common Sense Media合作创建适合儿童的AI体验”

OpenAI与Common Sense Media合作,为青少年、家长和教育工作者制定AI准则并提供教育资源

OpenAI和CommonSense Media合作以创建适合家庭使用的GPTs。

📣 亲爱的女士们,先生们,大小伙伴们,请集合起来听我宣布一个令人兴奋的消息!OpenAI是ChatGPT背后的聪明人,他们已经与Common Sense Media合作,在他们新开的商店中为定制GPTs设立了一个适合孩子的部分。🎉

在你开始设想机器人戴着可爱的小背包,写关于他们最喜欢的冰淇淋口味的文章之前,让我解释一下这个合作的目的。Common Sense Media是一个为儿童评级媒体和技术的非营利组织,他们与OpenAI联手确保青少年能够负责任和安全地使用人工智能。


除了指导方针和教育材料,OpenAI的GPT商店还将展示一个基于Common Sense评级的经过精心策划的适合家庭使用的GPT收藏。这意味着父母和年轻用户可以轻松识别出适合他们需求的GPT。不再像矿工寻找黄金一样要对算法进行筛选。⛏️

Common Sense Media的创始人兼首席执行官詹姆斯·P·斯泰尔在对这个令人兴奋的合作发表了自己的看法,他说:“Common Sense和OpenAI将共同努力确保人工智能对所有青少年和家庭产生积极的影响。我们的指南和策划将旨在教育家庭和教育者有关ChatGPT的安全和负责任使用的知识,以便我们能够共同避免这种新兴技术的任何意外后果。” 它是关于让人工智能在年轻用户的生活中成为一种力量!

OpenAI和Common Sense Media的合作伙伴关系是在旧金山举行的Common Sense儿童&家庭峰会上正式宣布的。在宣布的过程中,OpenAI的CEO山姆·阿尔特曼驳斥了人工智能对儿童有害并应当远离学校的观念。他强调,作为工具的使用者,人类需要学会如何使用定义我们未来的工具。阻止儿童获取人工智能知识将是一个巨大的错误。🛠️


😄 Q&A时间:回答所有你焦急想知道的问题!



问:Common Sense Media的评级如何帮助父母和年轻用户决定哪些GPT适合他们?

答:🌟 Common Sense的评级就像一个指南针,引导你穿越广阔的人工智能海洋。通过使用这些评级,父母和年轻用户可以快速识别出与他们的价值观一致并适合他们需求的GPT。这就像有一个值得信任的朋友为你推荐一个周五晚上的完美电影,只不过这次他们是在帮你选择理想的人工智能工具!


答:虽然具体计划还没有公布,但随着OpenAI和Common Sense Media伙伴关系的不断发展,扩展这个适合儿童的部分的可能性是很大的。当人工智能技术不断进步时,对年轻用户来说需要更多定制化的体验。所以,请保持警惕并保持自己的编码技能的犀利!

💡 现在我们已经探索了OpenAI和Common Sense Media这个令人兴奋的合作,让我们花点时间思考这个合作的影响和未来发展。

The creation of a dedicated kid-friendly section in OpenAI’s GPT store is a significant step forward in ensuring the responsible use of AI among the younger generation. By joining forces with an esteemed organization like Common Sense Media, OpenAI is not only establishing guidelines and educational materials but also curating a collection specifically rated for family-friendly content.

This collaboration between OpenAI and Common Sense Media sets a precedent for the technology industry. It shows that responsible AI development should be a priority, particularly when it comes to AI use by young users. With proper education and guidelines, kids can learn to navigate the exciting world of artificial intelligence while understanding its potential and limitations.

Looking ahead, we can anticipate more partnerships and initiatives geared towards creating safe AI environments for young users. Organizations, both nonprofit and commercial, will recognize the importance of addressing the unique challenges and opportunities that arise with AI use in education. We may even see innovative solutions, such as AI-powered tutors or customized learning experiences tailored to each child’s needs.

To delve even deeper into the world of AI and its impact on children, take a look at these fascinating articles:

  1. The Benefits of AI in Education
  2. Navigating the Ethics of AI for Kids
  3. How AI Can Personalize Learning Experiences
  4. AI in Education: Unlocking the Future
  5. The Rise of AI-Powered Tutors

Now it’s your turn, dear readers! Share your thoughts on this collaboration between OpenAI and Common Sense Media. Do you think it will have a positive impact on young users? Will it pave the way for a responsible AI future? Let’s start a conversation and spread the word about the importance of safe AI practices for children!

📢 Don’t forget to share this article with your friends, family, and fellow AI enthusiasts on your favorite social media platforms. Together, let’s build a generation of tech-savvy, responsible AI users!